Telia 5 points ago +5 / -0

its also probably a good time to tell them to stop listening to English localizers on anything and that the English localizers don't represent what the fans want

Telia 12 points ago +12 / -0

Ear below eyeline..... Hmmm....

Telia 8 points ago +9 / -1


Beware of Japanese leftists who say the black samurai is not an issue to Japanese people and its "just the other stuff" that upsets Japanese people. .The black samurai absolutely is an issue.

Telia -2 points ago +2 / -4

it didn't stick because right wingers werent persistent enough with it. Its kinda like the word "trap" the moment leftists decided that "trap" was offensive to trannies for some reason everyone stopped using that word . Even right wingers.

Telia 0 points ago +3 / -3

the right never tried anything as remotely offensive as saying "blacks have no culture". the most the right has ever done is be on the defensive all the time

Telia 0 points ago +2 / -2

Plenty of people tried saying that blacks have no culture? i haven't seen it

Telia 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have seen some Japanese people criticizing Ubisoft's Yasuke in that politically correct way like how you are phrasing it. "Assassin's creed shadows isn't just disrespectful to Japanese people its disrespectful to Yasuke, Yasuke is just being used as a pawn. I feel sorry for the real Yasuke being used as a tool like this. "

Which sounds a lot like how you want us to phrase things. Which to be honest i find gross. i prefer to be honest and direct and not sound like i'm pleading with the woke

Telia 1 point ago +1 / -0

not if its reasonable. Its reasonable to call out the black washing of history and you can also say "Wokes said White people had no culture for decades so why can't we say black people have no culture"?

Telia 4 points ago +6 / -2

Why is it whenever any action gets suggested you doomers go "it won't work" even before trying? This is why the right never gets anywhere. You give up without even trying

Telia 10 points ago +10 / -0

The Japanese government never said anything about banning it. It was a politician mentioning he might bring the issue of historical desecration to the Diet .

Telia 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yes but saying that won't fly with normies. I'm just saying if you are in normie sphere just say "they need to shove black people in European or Asian historical settings because black people have no culture".

Telia 51 points ago +55 / -4

"Has Degraded People’s Trust" says the guy who changed his own name for "reasons" Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz

Telia 18 points ago +20 / -2

i WOULD have said "negative things" but apparently that's against rule 16 if i said that

Telia 19 points ago +23 / -4

Maybe because majority of things have the same leaders or founders. .

Telia 21 points ago +21 / -0

btw why is "church of satan" allowed on twitter but "synagogue of satan" not allowed when its a biblical term? https://postimg.cc/cKSNQ2n7

by Telia
Telia 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its gore yes, but how the fuck do you consider this porn?

Telia 8 points ago +8 / -0

It works for me? i just block and then refresh and he's gone

Telia 22 points ago +31 / -9

A lot of old users have left because the mod keeps banning legitimate users for being too critical of the chosen ones™️ whereas the pajeet pedo runs wild .

Also reminder for everyone that there's a block button. The pajeet pedo spammer is annoying but i hardly see him cause i block his account as soon as i see him

Telia 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah like i've said you've gone off the deep end.

Once again. You claim you want to do "both sides bad" thing, but you whine and cry any time anyone wants to bring up the atrocities that israel commits. These posts are more about highlighting how bad israel is even though they constantly whine about "muh holocaust " and less about trying to defend muslims yet you purposely try to make it about "defending muslims" and basically try to defend israel.

Telia 0 points ago +1 / -1

You'd have to jump through an actual hoop to convince me that they care about their children.

You have completely gone off the deep end if you think this way. Everyone cares about their children . And even if someone doesn't does that mean the children should suffer ? So i take it you support abortion then because "the parent didn't care about the child so who cares about the innocent baby"?

Regardless of how much you hate their religion, perhaps you need to stop and reflect on yourself and whether you are actually following Christian beliefs (if you do call yourself a Christian) whilst you cheer for the slaughter of innocent children and babies by the hands of the tribe that killed Christ.

And yes i do like to "propagandize" the atrocities that israel commits because "they" like to whine about the holocaust all the time. Deal with it

Telia 5 points ago +6 / -1

And people need to stop supporting the narrative that America was "fighting for freedom" in ww2 cause they clearly were not. Yet a lot of ww2 propaganda involves demonizing the Axis countries as being controlled by "authoritarians" and "dictators" (i mean the words "Nazi" and "fascist" have basically become stand in words for "authoritarian" for normies) and this is used as a big part of justifying the Allies as the "good guys"

Telia 5 points ago +7 / -2

If not all cultures are equal, then America doesn't have the right to impose its values on to every other country because other cultures would naturally be better off under different type of governance and not every country or culture would fit the American style of governance .Yet America has continuously justified every war its been in as "trying to fight the evil authoritarians" and acting like other countries are less moral for not having the "free democracy or republic" that America does. Claiming you fight for freedom and acting like everyone else is morally inferior for having less freedom, whilst you also ban citizens of another country from owning weapons is the height of hypocrisy.

And actually, America has been interfering with other countries affairs since day one. One of America's founding fathers Thomas Jefferson even supported the French revolution and helped rewrite some of the new French constitution, just because he didn't like monarchy even though the French revolution was literally a proto communist revolution

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