Immigration shouldnt be "kept low" immigration should be kept non existent. the only time it was possible to absorb the minority in to the majority was when the immigration was non existent and the culture is highly nationalist with absolutely zero globalist elements at all .
The gypsies and the jews were minorities in Europe for thousands of years and look what happened. They didn't assimilate at all.
Even if foreigners "prove themselves to fit in" what about their children? or their grandchildren? there's plenty of foreigners that were ok in the first generation but by the 2nd generation or 3rd generation their children and grandchildren start causing trouble cause they rightfully know they dont belong.
foreigners are a problem regardless if they abide by the law or not , there will always be a conflict in loyalties There was a uyghur that got a position of political power in Japan and i saw some Japanese comments who werent happy about that, and they rightfully pointed out that "foreigners will never forget their ancestral homeland. "
Korean mma fighter gets criticized and harassed and i think he also almost loses his career (with people calling it "sexual assult" ) for holding ring girl's waist, but the girl didnt press charges.
The next time well you see what happens (you need to clink on the link to see the whole video since it seems to be cut off)
i was here before i was ever on conpro you 10 month account moron.Are you going to also accuse all the people who downvoted you as being fed shills and "not actually part of the community"? You are clearly the odd one out here ADL shill
Also the "antisemitic racists" in Germany were trying to protect their homeland. The people who were "antisemitic" were nationalists that built the country and were against foreigners whom they perceived as trying to destroy the country(whether you agree with them or not).
. Whereas the 2020 anti White racists are foreign globalists that didnt build anything and are trying to destroy the country.
is he going to call out his fellow jews for their leading role in many woke movements? if not then he's just controlled opposition.
. Oh and of course he starts out with the "my family suffered the holocaust and if disagree with me, you are all anti semites"
If you think Russia is pro White i have some news for you. White nationalists get banned in Russia and holocaust denial is illegal . this is one of the many White nationalist groups that got banned