this is the cutting physics in MGR revengence
Also the fact that this Japanese indie dev has nice waifu fanservice that a lot of modern big Japanese games don't have these days which the old school Japanese games used to have, makes me think the real Japanese devs are being suppressed or pushed out in Japan by corporations and woke big money interests.
the only thing Imp has been on to has been hating White people and hating anyone who advocates for White interests and trying to make White men hate White women and promoting antinatalism among White people so that White people don't procreate whilst he unconditionally supports jews and israel despite jews being a matriachal culture.
"White nationalists" could have made documentaries just as well if not better if they weren't kicked out of the public sphere by Matt Walshes friends. Matt Walsh is a liar who once claimed that a "German guy" opened the first transgender clinic in the world whilst purposely neglecting to mention that the guy was jewish.
When i pointed out that Matt Walsh and Glenn Beck love jews , the point i was making is that they are liars and hypocrites that they would defend those that are largely leading many leftist movements. I think Matt Walsh and Glenn Beck are simply evangalical zionist puppets and shabbos goys who sold out for shekals , whilst Klavan isn't a puppet of another group so he seems more intelligent and jewish converts to christianity are actually sometimes slightly better than evangalical zionist traitor gentiles ..i still wouldn't trust either though
President of the European Central Bank
Christine Lagarde was born in Paris, France,[12] into a family of teachers. Her father, Robert Lallouette, "born to a Jewish mother and a non-religious father.",
its funny when people say "a country is safe" or "a country is not safe"
its not the country, its the PEOPLE of the country that are safe people to be around. Or the PEOPLE of that country who are not safe to be around.
Why don't you make your own fucking story then instead of hijacking another story. Also