ShepardRahl 1 point ago +1 / -0

This isn't the full interview, but the part I was talking about. It's a little different than I remember since I had only seen it once but still.


ShepardRahl 21 points ago +21 / -0

LOL Anti-cop plebs gets buttmad when nearby cops just stand-by when one of them gets their shit pushed in.

They've been assaulting these guys the whole time yet when one of them gets done there's a problem.

ShepardRahl 24 points ago +24 / -0

Ezra Miller is a massive SJW too. He did a press interview with Gal Gadot promoting Justice League and at the end he tried to get her to look into the camera and denounce the patriarchy. He was fairly forceful about it too. She didn't do it and looked really uncomfortable with it like she couldn't get away from him fast enough.

ShepardRahl 4 points ago +5 / -1

I just finished it a few days ago and I loved it. I like how it doesn't force you into a specific play style. Outside of a few missions where you have to do stealth to not be detected you can approach situation however you want. You can take them head on, you can stealth the area and assassinate, you have a bow...bombs...throwing knives. Later you get poison on hallucination darts. You can play most situations anyway you want.

You can tell Sucker Punch poured a lot of love into the game. The landscapes, armor, and weapons all look amazing. There are a lot of historical artifacts you can find that will tell you about the Mongols. And there is no current year bullshit in it. That's probably the biggest thing.

My one criticism is that the default language and facial animations when speaking should have been in Japanese. When I started the game I chose Japanese for the audio language because I thought that's how I thought they were going to talk. But during the opening animation when they mouths were moving in English but the audio was Japanese it looked like a really bad dub. So I changed it back to English. It didn't ruin the game for me at all, but I would have thought a game set in Japan would have been default Japanese language.

I highly recommend it.

ShepardRahl 1 point ago +1 / -0

You need to be a skateboarder with hacker friends to understand.

ShepardRahl 1 point ago +3 / -2

"GF insists they aren't dating"

Who's his girlfriend supposed to be...that girl on the IRL podcast?

I didn't even know there was an issue between these two. Anybody know what happened?

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