ScutFarkus -16 points ago +5 / -21

https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/12jw8GnmOe/towleban-is-right- about-the-usa/c/



Here’s 3 I found in less than 2 minutes.

Literally half the posts on pol in the past 48 hours have been pro taliban, now bleeding into the .win communities.

ScutFarkus -20 points ago +2 / -22

Have the pro-taliban shill posters seen this

ScutFarkus -17 points ago +1 / -18

not only did she murder some guy, she tortured him

Ok so are all murders terrorists now? You point the finger at ever expanding definitions, this seems to be projection/cope.

You’ve got to figure this shit out man. Be more attractive and pleasant. Get the fuck off of sites like this because you’re only going to get further away from being happy. Seriously.

ScutFarkus -25 points ago +1 / -26

I get it man. You hate women. You probably feel justified because you feel slighted. Like they hated you first. Who knows. But you can’t just mold them into something they aren’t in an effort to justify your hatred of them to others. Many of the worst mass shootings in recent history have been by self proclaimed incels. This is the reality of things. You may be an incel and don’t want to be classified as a terrorist because, yeah, it’s really bad. But objectively, people draw a straight line between inceldom and wanting to hurt other people. It seems you draw from personal experience when you say women want to hurt people. My experience, as well as the vast majority of others, is different.

female school shooters aren’t that uncommon

Compared to what? Dolphin school shooters?

There have been maybe 3 in the past 40 years. Come on man.

Women may be your problem, but they aren’t THE problem.

ScutFarkus -24 points ago +1 / -25

No, it isn’t. Manipulating someone psychologically, while shitty, isn't a terrorist attack.

Murdering a bunch of strangers in cold blood, is.

ScutFarkus -28 points ago +2 / -30

It’s more like, not all incels are terrorists, but all terrorists seem to be incels.

ScutFarkus -10 points ago +2 / -12

Nooooo Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson is totally not part of the elite he’s always railing against, guise. Nobody with 4 names, a bow tie, an inheritance including but not limited to a frozen food empire and several decades in the entertainment industry could ever actually be part of the elite group he’s so against, right?

ScutFarkus -5 points ago +2 / -7

We may not agree on exactly who those people are, but I agree with the general idea you’re explaining.

ScutFarkus -8 points ago +1 / -9

Hey white knight. Really cool of you to jump in to defend your buddy there. Really gay too, but hey, you do you.

I don’t believe in Santa Claus or the Easter bunny, but I assure you, capitalism is very real.

ScutFarkus -9 points ago +1 / -10

Some of the older ones would fall into that category, yes. You’re a boomer first, then a progressive, conservative, republican or Democrat.

ScutFarkus -11 points ago +1 / -12

Admit that we need to eliminate lobbying altogether and have 100% total transparency for every dollar donated to every politician or you’re unironically a shill.

ScutFarkus -9 points ago +2 / -11

Replace “millennials” with “corporate interest” and you might be onto something.

ScutFarkus -16 points ago +3 / -19

If by “sane people” you mean “literal fucking retards who’s antiquated world views have destroyed America” then, sure.

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