LejariousBixnoodius 3 points ago +3 / -0

I haven't spoken really in about 7 years, when you really dig down into the truth of what's happening in this world it makes everything you say start to sound crazy to the masses, I'm thankful as it's driven me into the Word of God and I'm ready to leave this place now, this was never my home.

I pray for this world, because many are in serious danger and don't realize it, the Communists are the least of their problems as they are facing the wrath of a Holy God still dead in their sins. You have to give up everything to follow God, most still try and hang onto this place and have a wonderful life here, the path to God is one of carrying a cross and suffering.

The Americanized church will suffer greatly, it has to as this will purify and remove false converts who came to hear a fun concert on the weekends, not interested in dying to self.

LejariousBixnoodius 10 points ago +12 / -2

far, far worse than democrats...

It's like a nightmare looking at the 1918 Communist Revolution in Germany, it's all happening again and we are in serious trouble. It's sadly bad, and it sucks because our veterans were tricked and we have been the bad guys the entirety of the 20th century in America.

Most Muslims were innocent victims and we destroyed them for this stupid NWO plan for the jews. Americans had to win the Civil War, all was lost in the 1860s.

Seek Jesus Christ for the salvation of your souls, that is now your single last hope in all of eternity.

LejariousBixnoodius 30 points ago +31 / -1

The problem is when jews in the media blame Whites for slavery when even in the US South almost all the cotton and sugar slave farms were owned by jews.

They try and turn blacks against the White middle-class just like they turned the lower class against the middle in the 1917 Russian Revolution.

Very few White people ever owned slaves in the United States. That was all a Hollywood psyop with movies like Roots that jews made to form that mindset.

LejariousBixnoodius 23 points ago +23 / -0

I have hundreds of "my fellow white people" examples.

There are millions of jews planning this global takeover, it's because of the Talmud, it's their religion.

My friend who's a Christian now but grew up in a jewish household, said he was brainwashed from birth in his jewish schools that they were to own the entire world, beating the victimhood status in their minds. So he said he really did believe it all for a while, it's like a cult.

The only decent jews I've come across have converted to Christianity.