by Daucus9
Left2Right 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s not the dictionary definition of diverse, they went with the woke one.

Left2Right 4 points ago +4 / -0

The cause of a race war is tribalistic factions battling for cultural/political/financial domination.

I feel it’s hard to speculate exactly how it would go down, but I can say for certain the end result would be a fractured nation of independent bodies whose purposes would be to protect their respective values from the “other”.

My biggest fear would be the weakened position the US would sit in. China and Russia would be free to do whatever they want should the US devolve to tribal factions.

Left2Right 18 points ago +19 / -1

Yes it is how low income families settle disputes. No police needed. So progressive!

Left2Right 25 points ago +25 / -0

It’s simply propaganda. Weak straw man characters that are created to reinforce preconceived ideas of the ghosts and ghouls in their head.

It has the added bonus of being able to easily sell to a pre determined market of people wanting to be told how enlightened and virtuous they are.