It's a good read. Thank you. I'll be sure to check out his expose later as well, since it appear that'll have most of the good information in it.
Yeah definitely. That was the impression I got from him, too. he kept repeating, "If this was true, the truth gets legs, it would be all over the news!"
At which point I would explain that he can't trust the news and I'd show him the sources and the actual footage of stuff. We went though a laundry list of things and he was just blown away and kept asking, "Why didn't I see it on the news?!"
That's the part that made it so depressing.
As a side-note: I'm also tired of the teacher bullshit. They have it so damn good these days. They're not in any way underpaid for the shitty job that they do and the massive amount of time that they get off now. Why the hell do they "deserve appreciation" for doing their damn job, anyway? Do they go around "appreciating" the people who keep the enter infrastructure of modern society well maintained in working order through life-shortening grueling physical labor? Do they go around "appreciating" the agricultural workers who slave away for much less money putting food on our shelves? It's always the industries that are predominantly women that want "appreciation" for doing what they're paid to do.
All of my sympathy for teachers has gone completely out the window. lol
Sure, the results weren't particularly useful because they achieved nothing but essentially torturing a bunch of people. I'd be interested in seeing what you read where it said it was all bullshit, though. If you happen to have it available.
There's no mention on the Wiki page
The only mention I can think of was people pointing out the errors of the movie that was made a couple years back — but not the event itself.
I imagine that the Camps will likely be something more commonly seen in Blue states. I'm not sure why they think that will make some sort of dramatic impact at this point when we're almost two years in, though. It seems entirely pointless now. My guess is pretty much what you said, that there's something more long-term.
It's just a simple conversation, what the hell are you getting so heated for? lol
Of course it's "unsecured," they literally just broke ground on construction.
I've already told you there's job posting for the position as well. Originally referred to as "Strike Teams" now called "Quarantine Teams."
Go ahead and apply.
Apparently you didn't even bother reading my last response to you.
Here's a second video where he discloses the location.
Good luck with that stick up your ass for no damn reason, cunt.
I'm not sure if we'll reach that point any time soon at least.
But if we do, you could always just go along with them, then repay them lots of thank yous at a later date when they don't expect it.
It made me think of when Neo gets pulled out of the Matrix and he's told "We don't normally pull people your age out because you have trouble adjusting" or some shit like that.
At least he can spend those years hopefully seeing reality.
Just think about this: American citizens can't even cross state lines without being put into concentration camps, but for some reason, Democrats are perfectly ok with letting hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants into our country completely untested and unvaxxed.
But this is totally about Covid.
Our heroes will always live on as legends before they were destroyed by activist cunts.
They don't even have heroes. All they have is ideological/self-worship.
Women are always jealous of that which others have that they don't. It's why feminism's ideal version of a woman is a masculine one. They're just bitter and unloved pathetic old ogres who will die alone and miserable.
It's ok, you can still enjoy some escapism; however, you're absolutely right.
Being lost and completely engrossed in consumerism is exactly what lead society to where it is today. Where people literally can't even think for themselves anymore and turn to a glowing screen to find out what their opinion should be.
When I dropped my car off for service today and got a shuttle ride home I had the saddest conversation with the driver who was a 70+-year-old man.
He was a Biden supporter, pro-vax, and so completely lost that it was really disheartening. I left him completely speechless by the time we were done. When we got to my house, he literally sat parked out front asking me questions for 30+ minutes, totally ignoring his job because he clearly felt so lost.
He had put so much trust in the TV and radio that when I full illustrated reality he actually continuously questioned if what I was showing him was real. He just couldn't fathom it at all. He had grown up in a completely different age, so the entire concept was foreign to him.
I actually questioned whether I should have even bothered afterwards because he looked hurt. It was messed up.
Consumerism is a cancer eating at our culture. It's fine to escape every now and then but life has so much more to offer. There's countless adventures of your own out there waiting.
Shit no. It's all just one authoritarian rule after another. It's seriously getting out of hand and fast. These pieces of shit are literally building concentration camps now. It's all to try and force people into submission.
If I had to guess, they're not just trying to tear the country in two, they're actively pushing further and further to finally get those who can't take it to snap.
What happens then?
Gun Control Laws.
These people know what they're doing. They're trying to push us to the point where we fight back so that they can then have justification to disarm us.
I'm pretty sure they're more-or-less "drawing lines" between their states and red states. it's going to further divide the country into two.
It's like these people are purposely trying to do whatever they can to tear the country apart at this point.
There's multiple videos of this. Which is why I felt comfortable enough posting it. I do fact-check myself, thank you.
As mentioned, there's also job hiring for positions at these camps posted.
It's still being built.
It would appear to be the case.
Some of the people in Australia have been stuck int heir "quarantine" for over a month — even though it's only supposed to last 14 days. It's some terrifying shit the isolation these people face.
How about "007 Spoilers have released, the move gets as woke as possible."
There's a million ways to post it. You simply went with one of the dumber ones purely for clickbait.
Not sure how it's lost on you that no one even knows what you're spoiling. Could been damn near anything.
Right? If for any reason I took the job I'd be building all sorts of secret shit into that camp just in case.
Anyone and everyone who doesn't comply.
I'll even bet money that they'll put vaxxed people in there as well. This camp is to separate political dissidents from society.
Just wait, if the Stanford Prison Experiment is any indicator, these people are seriously in for an awful time — especially depending on who they hire to guard the camp. Just think of what takes place if they perhaps hire some Antifa participants?
How the hell is anyone suppose to know what you're referring to? You immediately spoil it by even clicking on your link to find out.
Not that I particularly give a shit about woke garbage but some people might.
So someone found the site of what appears to be a Covid Quarantine Camp — otherwise known as what it is, a Concentration Camp.
This has flown seriously below the radar, besides a few websites that are more local in Washington talking about it.
How do we know it's a Covid Camp? Simple. They're hiring:
What's important to note first is that this archive is from a week ago. Read the website name at the top that it's "redirected from." It makes explicit mention of a "Strike Team."
Since then, that's been edited out. Here's the new hiring page:
In this new listings page it's referred to as "quarantine team."
I'm sure people don't need me to spell out what's happening here. They're getting ready for something. It's precisely why Joe has been hyping up his bullshit "dark winter" nonsense recently. Why the hell would you be building a Covid Camp when a majority of people are pretty much Vaxxed and we're two years in?
Regardless, better to be safe and prepare, friends. All that people can do at this point.
Edit: A second video to confirm construction taken by someone else:
Have they never taken an anatomy class or something?
This only ends up looking silly.
They're all "horrified" that he doesn't do exactly what they deem is proper.
Notice how they always make it "we"? They never say "I."
We know precisely why that is, too. Their entire ideology is based off of a groupthink mentality. The didactic preaching that they constantly participate in might as well be the liturgical yowling of a cult at this point. It never ends. It's always the same shibboleths shoved in everyone's face in order to collect virtue points.
They're so desperate for validation from others that they've sacrificed all intellectual individuality that they may have had in exchange for a socially prescribed dogma that demands conformity. Their world where everyone thinks exactly the same shit sounds incredibly boring. I want no part in that dystopian nightmare.
You know what woke culture really shows why religion is so important.
It's not something I thought I would ever have thought some years ago. That's not to say I look down on it — quite the opposite — I've just always thought it shouldn't matter if people don't like it and that they could just do whatever the hell it is they wanna do.
The reason I think it's so important, besides the obvious ones which have been touched upon by many scholars who emphasize the importance of a nation with morals, is because it appears that the average midwit will almost always find a substitute that fulfills that role.
To me, it appears that many people have completely replaced faith in a religion with worship of themselves and their political/social ideologies. They demonstrate the same behavior that's typically been observed in zealots of the past; shamelessly intolerant towards anyone who wouldn't think exactly like they did. If that's going to be the case, then it makes sense why we've always held religion in high regard socially as a foundation of society for thousands of years.
I can't help but wonder if others came to the same realization as certain empires fell throughout history.
Dark humor is the best humor. If you can make a joke about any topic, you can help to overcome dark realities and make important issues stick in people's minds.
There's an old saying that I love: "Nothing captures human interests more than human tragedy."
People remember dark humor because it leaves an impact. It doesn't have to make people laugh but they'll definitely react. That's more than will happen if you just tell them something.
Let's give it a try.
Recently, the US had a failed drone strike in Afghanistan.
Where did the children go who were in the area when the bomb hit?
These are the same people who also scream, "You don't trust the science!?" as they completely ignore, threaten, shame, and censor every single scientist who disagrees with them.
They seek out scientists who do agree with them, expecting everyone to just drool and clap along because they sought out their confirmation bias for their agenda, then are shocked that people still don't trust them.
They completely lack self-awareness and are so far up their own asses with their virtue chasing obsession that they can never seem to figure out that it's not everyone else that's the problem, it's them.
They're a a disease — the real pandemic — that destroys everything they touch.
Oh, cute. Now you're going to play make-believe about what I'm offended over and who I am as a person because you're upset.
I don't need your fantasyland life story because you became insecure. I'm not your therapist. Stick to Twitter. Sorry that you got insecure by a word and feel that everyone should speak how you want them to because you don't understand colloquialism.
My condolences to your husband.
Keep projecting.
This is how communist takeovers happen. They slowly but surely arrest and lock away any political dissidents until people either submit or there's no one else left.
The fact that so many people in western society are either perfectly ok with it or completely ignorant to what's happening says a lot about how self-serving and apathetic our cultures have become.
We really are at the end of an era and fully on the brink of societal collapse. Of course, as Governments in these situations typically do, they'll still give off the illusion that we live in a "democracy" where people have a choice, but it won't actually exist in any practical sense and we'll essentially be ruled over by the rich elites like peasants — similar to how many totalitarian states claim they're "democracies."
Decadence and hedonism have taken root to such gross levels that people won't actually give a shit until it's far too late. As long as their comfort isn't disrupted they have no reason to care.
The absolute best thing that people can do is prepare for what's to come. It's not like it really hurts either way anyway, right? It's all shit that can serve you well in the future regardless.
Well, it was an hour long talk total and because I like to archive things, I had the actual videos on my phone and articles all bookmarked — because as you no doubt know, people constantly call those of us who don't follow mainstream dogma liars, conspiracy theorists and other such nonsense. That's probably what did it more than anything.
At one point he said, "We should go back to the time when journalists weren't allowed to lie! Then there wouldn't be a problem with misinformation."
When I turned and said, "Ok, I can see how you'd think that, but let me ask you this: if we did that, who would be the ones to determine what the truth is?"
Then he sat there for several seconds unable to answer before saying, "Well, the truth is the truth."
To which I said, "But if we make that law as you said, someone would have to make that determination. We saw what happened when they made that determination with Hunter's laptop before the election."
We had just talked about the laptop and I had showed him videos of Hunter smoking crack, the e-mails I had saved, and censored pictures that no one should want to see.
All he responded with was, "If we can't trust them, then who can we trust? I've always thought they would tell the truth about stuff like this because it gets big ratings."
I told him, "You can only trust yourself and what you can absolutely verify 100%. You have to take the time to follow a story to its source just like a journalist would. They don't care about ratings because they get more money from the favors they receive from those in power because these people own more than just media companies."
During our conversation we went through almost every huge mainstream hoax you could imagine. One after another I had almost all the information saved to show him.
The funniest one was probably the "Trump never denounced white supremacy" one. I pulled up that video that's like 9 minutes straight of him repeatedly denouncing it over and over and he was blown away that he had never saw any of it.
He was a nice guy. I just felt bad for how much blind faith he put into the TV and then like telling a kid Santa doesn't exist, taking that from him.