Even China knows that those things only serve to degrade the moral foundations of a country.
I personally don't give a shit who you sleep with. Do your thing and have sex with whoever you want, but keep that shit to yourself because I also don't wanna hear about it.
If you're basing your entire identity around who you have sex with, then you're a loser. You've chosen to appropriate a group identity to seek validation because you lack a single individual trait that makes you feel special otherwise.
You're only using the group identity to feel victimized by shit that happens to other people. You use it for attention and sympathy — even though you endured absolutely nothing — and as an excuse for your shortcomings and failures in life.
Essentially, you're a self-obsessed, attention starved, obnoxious narcissistic piece of shit.
Asked for your Vax-Pass?
You would think France of all places would know just how harmful the entire "Papers, please." bullshit is to a society.
I guess lessons of the past weren't passed down or have since been forgotten by many.
I had an epiphany today that I'm really hoping will come to fruition.
It's simple, however, I'm really hoping that a ton of people getting laid off from their jobs for refusing to take the vaccine will turn whistleblower and expose the corruption taking place at many of these huge institutions — particularly Nurses and Doctors.
We're watching tens of thousands getting laid off and they know all of the hospitals dirty little secrets that we've been speaking about for the last year and a half. If these people had collected evidence or witnessed the corruption, we could be looking at the largest instance of mass-whistleblowing in world history.
I'm sincerely hoping that many of them finally work up the courage since they've already been kicked to the curb.
Uh huh... More fun make-believe. Neat.
Yet, the western world wants to pretend that it's the champions of "free speech."
They can't use the retarded excuse, "That doesn't mean it's freedom of consequence!" while simultaneously openly allowing Communist imagery without any objections when Communism itself is responsible for far more deaths than what they're condemning.
In fact, Mao's 'Cultural Revolution" alone was responsible for more death than all of WW2 combined.
These dumb assholes are hypocrites to their very core.
Much worse than I ever would have thought before I knew.
These are the sort of things that people practically never hear about. Organ donation certainly can help a lot of people; however, it should be standard to go to every length possible to ensure it's completely painless and not some terrible nightmare scenario where you spend your last moments unable to advocate for yourself as they rip your body apart.
Not to mention the corruption behind the entire operation where many times the organs don't even go to the people you'd want them to but instead go to some rich elite asshole who bribed his way to the top of the list while pressuring hospital executives to find a donor faster by any means necessary.
They actively hate half of them. They love the other half because they drool and clap along to everything they're told to do.
That other half even goes out of their way to simp for elite goons and like good useful idiots tries to force others into compliance with whatever governments are demanding.
Because that's what I said. Definitely not more imagined shit.
Not an argument.
But it's cute to see you default to more make-believe.
I sincerely don't think you of all people should ever talk about whining.
If you look at other comments you'll see that they have job postings and that there's a second video by someone else corroborating it as well.
Construction sites off an interstate highway do not typically have security. Why the hell would they need it when there's no one around? Furthermore, they just broke ground recently. There's not even a need for security yet until there's something built worth securing.
In the very Politico article that the article you linked is referencing. He also groped her legs and ass publicly, which the four people present witnessed — and they all corroborated.
But sure, let's go with your hate-obsessed fantasy that it's false instead.
If it was then apparently it was terminal.
It's no longer a matter of "he said, she said" if there are multiple witnesses available to attest to what he did.
I know you have a hate-boner for women and all, but even I'd fire his ass for this shit. You don't hit on another dude's wife publicly and you don't use someone else's name for clout and risk causing a shit-storm for them if they're a public figure.
This is common sense.
I had a conversation with some bitch who was mocking me telling her that if Biden got elected he would force vaccine mandates.
When I remembered it and messaged her about two weeks ago with a screenshot of what she had said while returning the favor and mocking her for being retarded, she didn't even respond and blocked me.
Biden has been an unmitigated disaster on this country and has made it more divided than it's ever been in modern times.
That's pretty much my expectation as well.
This entire time I haven't tried to force people to agree with me or not make their own decision. The only people I've told to be hesitant are those closest to me who I care about.
The rest I know that I have little to no chance to convince otherwise anyway. That doesn't mean I don't openly point out the bullshit when I see it; however, I don't bother wasting time arguing with idiots who have no interest in searching for the truth to begin with — the ones who make is blindingly apparent that this is purely ideological for them.
Their entire philosophy is: "If we ignore it then it doesn't exist and will go away."
In the meantime, these crazy assholes are the same scumbags trying to get children and infants jabbed with their bullshit experimental gene therapy injection that they won't test on a large scale because they know it's not as safe as it should be.
"The 'vaccines' are mostly safe because only a very small minority of people ever experience an adverse reaction!"
Ok then, by their own logic I don't need it — Covid-19 is a mostly harmless viral contagion that only ever harms a very small minority of people.
If their statement is true, then why the hell isn't mine?
How can we?
They're on TV every single day and writing shitty divisive articles nonstop to remind us.
Sad reality is that more and more segregation is returning to our country.
I have no idea why people are legitimately celebrating it either.
Here's an excerpt from a study done on "Neo-Segregation" of 173 colleges in the US that's quite disturbing:
"What we found was that neo-segregation is widespread if not pervasive. About 46 percent (80 colleges out of 173 surveyed) segregate student orientation programs; 43 percent (75 colleges out of the total) offer segregated residential arrangements; and 72 percent (125 colleges out of the total) segregate graduation ceremonies. Though these arrangements are ostensibly voluntary, students can’t easily opt out. We tracked numerous indicators of neo-segregation, from “Diversity Fly-Ins,” (68 percent of the total) where colleges offer minority students an expense-paid segregated preview of the experience that awaits them should they enroll, to segregated alumni groups."
The world has gone mad. This is liberalism ushering in a new age of segregation based on race but using a thin veneer of virtue to justify it now.
It's truly disgusting.
This study — while quite long at 214 pages — provides a lot of insight on how screwed our system is becoming. It's one of the few papers that takes an in-depth look and discusses what many would consider a serious issue that's being ignored.
Even as data comes out from places like Israel about there being a stark increase of 25% in Cardiac arrests and Heart attacks in people ages 16-29.
As well as an 83.6% increase in Heart attacks for Women 20-29.
The study also indicated that this increase was correlated with large-scale vaccination.
Even separate to that, we also know from numerous other studies that it's causing another serious heart issue: myocarditis.
Which should be equally concerning to people.
I guess what they say really is true about how ignorance is bliss.
Hell yeah it was.
He can make all the bullshit excuses about it being his Achilles surgery that he wants, when you consider that it's becoming more well known that deep-vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolisms seem to be adverse effects occurring in relation to the vaccine, I don't know why he would think it wasn't the culprit.
Maybe it's just willful ignorance?
I'm pretty curious about one thing: is he going to get another vaccination?
Something tells me he may very well skip out on it.
It may be worth considering applying for some grants and going back to school just to grab a teaching degree as well.
Then once it's gotten, immediately open up some sort of "pod learning" group. As long as School Choice is available, parents wouldn't even have to pay and could send their children to your "pod" which would be funded by the taxpayer money their child would have received in a public school.
School Choice is such a vital issue to children receiving a quality education for people who can't afford expensive schools. It baffles me that so many people don't even understand its importance — especially in low-income urban communities where there are some really hardworking parents trying to get their children a better education.
Exactly. A tactic they favor considerably — especially when mixed with gaslighting.
For instance:
A woman says "Star Wars was never good. It was always a misogynistic film promoting the patriarchy and sexism!"
People arrive and point out how ridiculous that is — because it is.
The woman then switches to: "The toxic fanbase is now attacking me for defending women's rights. All I wanted to do is raise awareness on women's issues! It's not right to launch a hate-campaign because of what I said!"
The people pretty much get bored and leave. Confused how the crybully mob somehow made them the "bad guys" of the situation.
The woman immediately returns to her bullshit rhetoric, antagonizing others in order to garner attention she she can victimize herself again for attention.
You'll see some variation in many facets of modern culture. It's a clear sign of an intellectually lazy ideologue.
Right? We're all made to think that way so they can get us to check that box.
The reality, however, is completely different and much more diabolical, in my opinion.
There are awful stories of families who are in very clear distress and completely emotionally crippled being pressured by Hospital Executives to pull the plug on someone that they love dearly because they need their organs for someone else.
Read this, it will probably seriously disgust you.
These are the people we're supposed to "trust."
You forgot a personal favorite of mine that's been created lately: "American Taliban."
They'll continue to keep going down a list of silly labels thinking they mean jack shit to anyone besides the other brainless ghouls in their echo chamber who drool and clap along like an orchestra of retarded seals.
They get so excited projecting onto others the hate that they visibly manifest with shocking frequency themselves but lack the self-awareness to even realize.
Sadly, it's not.
It's not even the first: