Happily_Grim 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you. I appreciate it.
Sometimes I look back and think to myself that I really could have worded things in a better way. Hopefully as time goes on I can get better at communicating what I mean. I enjoy hearing other people's views and don't believe it's necessary that people agree on everything. I've actually learned a lot and have seen many things from a different perspective because of people in communities I've participated in.
I think that's one of the things that really frustrates me about the current demand for intellectual conformity.

Happily_Grim 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretty much.
You know what's crazy is there's probably some panic stricken nut out there getting all of the vaccines they can — treating Vax Pass cards like it's Magic the Gathering and trying to collect them.
Somehow, they'll also be the one that survives all of this shit, too. At times, it's like we live in a simulation that loves the absurd.

Happily_Grim 3 points ago +3 / -0

At no point did I say they did.
if you think they don't use this money to run portions of the things they operate, then you're clearly not paying attention.
This isn't their usual bank accounts, these are their off-shore accounts that they keep tucked away. There's a big difference.
If you had followed the plot, you'd know these aren't the "regular financial means."

Happily_Grim 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's really not hard to understand why having the financial records of world leaders,100 billionaires, celebrities, and business leaders, can help piece together a lot of things and draw connections to institutions, governments, other elites, purchases, deposits, withdraws, and more.
If you think it's just about "tax dodging" then it goes to show how myopic and shallow your ability to think is with regards to to a bigger picture.

Happily_Grim 19 points ago +20 / -1

What a crock of shit.
Trying to conflate individualism being the problem in a system that now demands conformity is retarded.
Being an individual and honoring traditions are not — in any reality — mutually exclusive. It is entirely possible to be an individual who doesn't want to be told what to do and still maintain morals and principles. The fact that this clown somehow thinks it isn't is a complete joke.
The reason the "right* keeps on "losing" is because this retard is too dumb to realize it's not.
This is the perspective of a mindless consumer who only looks at things from a surface level perspective. It took the entire institutional might of the most powerful country the world has ever seen to try and smear a President and ruin is reputation enough to make him lose re-election, and in the end they still failed and had to resort to outright cheating.
Why is that? Because the "right" that he says is "failing" is steadily growing stronger.
He gained millions upon millions of votes. He's the first incumbent President ever to "lose" re-election while gaining votes. There's also numerous other historical "first time ever's" that took place, too. Th statistical impossibility of all of those happening simultaneously points to one very clear conclusion: it was stolen.

In the same election Republicans won all 27 House races the "Cook Political Report" rated as “toss-ups” in its 2020. All of them.
How is that losing?
The Democrats were so screwed that they could only pour their entire focus into pumping out fake ballots with no down ticket marked because they were getting that screwed.
This clown can't seem to differentiate between the TV and Consumer culture — which is entirely operated by the Liberal wing — and what's taking place in observable reality.
The methods they're using are all based on dishonesty, propaganda, authoritarianism, and misinformation. There's others as well but I think people get the gist.
Those methods are completely unsustainable.
To make it even more clear: they're a one-way ticket.
As many already know, once you see how shit really is, there's no going back. It's why the term "red-pill" has been such a fitting description.
It's one of those "once you see it you can't unsee it" type situations. Every day, more and more people are seeing the shocking frequency that the left and their cohorts lie. This has never been more true as with the riots, mandates, vaccines, Biden screwing shit up, and Covid itself. If they were on the fence before, then when they begin to notice who, exactly, the people speaking the truth are now, it's going to make them begin to question a lot more. That's why the truth is such an effective weapon. A lie can only be covered up — you can only create more lies to do that. The truth, however, is the truth — it simply exists as is and is immutable. That's why whenever they can, they try their best to use it but misrepresent it in every conceivable way. Which is also why it's important to know that and call it out for being deceptive.

The truth is a much more effective tool than a lie. As I mentioned before, this is a war of attrition that will take time. It took decades for them to achieve this power, there's no way in hell you're undoing it in a year or two, it's just never going to happen.
That said, the truth is a very powerful weapon and the methods we're currently using are working — and quite well, too. Just because you're not noticing it being showcased in consumer culture or mainstream society, doesn't mean nothing is changing.

To put it another way, I don't buy his myopic drooler hot-take of: "tHe RigHt iS fAiLiNg bEcAusE dEy vAluE fReEdoM! dEy sHouLd bE LiKe LibErALs aNd giVe iT uP fOr gRouPtHinK iNsTeAd!"
in fact, it pisses me off in it's sheer stupidity.
Even more so when his solution literally equates to: become the same thing as the people you hate, but just a different flavor!
What an original thought. Certainly no one has ever thought of that shit before.
Then what happens, genius?
I'll tell you.
Then we immediately give validation to everything that they say about the people on the conservative side "trying to force their old fashioned views on society" because the "right" also has zero — as is none — control over TV, Mainstream Media, Social Media, Games, Music, Movies — pretty much all avenues to reach the masses and control a narrative.
Knowing that, if we actually tried what he suggests, all of those institutions would be flooded with demonstrable proof of everything they're constantly preaching — giving credence to their concerns.
His potato-brained solution only works if those things are under the control of the "right;" we all know they're most definitely not.
Furthermore, this clown just doesn't seem to get it. In fact, he's part of a much larger issue. It's an issue that's concomitant to many people on the right side of the political spectrum: there is no going back.
It's never going to happen. It's literally impossible without a full societal collapse.
You damn idiots that keep thinking it's the solution need to pull your heads out of your ass and cope with that reality.
How is something so simple that it borders on elementary lost on so many people?
Pandora's Box has been opened. It's too late. Get it through your thick skulls.
The path forward is elucidating the importance of traditional values in a way that fits in with the world we have.
He says it's individualism that lead us to where we are?
No. That's bullshit.
Without people feeling stifled and repressed because of clowns like him, who can't figure shit out, it would have never lead to where we are now. That's the reality.
Let me be explicitly clear: the problem is not individualism. The problem is ideologies.
Ideologies lead one group or another to feel like they're being stifled. That's where the saying "the pendulum always swings the other way" comes from.
One group forces a different group to adhere to their ideology. Whether that be hedonism or traditionalism, it's always a back and forth.
The solution isn't to constantly keep swinging. That's the retarded shit that's lead us into this cycle of rebirth and destruction we see time after time historically. The solution is to find balance in both.
Individualism has nothing to do with this shit.
This retard can go eat a bag of squashed monkey assholes.

Happily_Grim 39 points ago +39 / -0

Well, what would that say about other groups if the "genetic defects" were the ones who were able to build up the entirety of modern civilization?
I don't think it would be a particularly good look.
Still, I don't understand why so many minority groups are so obsessed with hating white people. If they're that miserable they always have the option to move to a predominantly black country in Africa.
There's plenty of black people in America who absolutely love our country and don't care about skin color whatsoever. These racebaiting asshole types are simply trying to foment division in order to grift off racism that they helped create.
There's a common enemy at the top in the form of the rich. Those people are a mix of every single race, nationality, religious background, you name it — and most of them hate the common "peasant."
Why do they waste energy focusing on people who are literally in the same position as themselves when we have actual rich assholes trying to usher in a new form of "slavery" into modern society?

Happily_Grim 14 points ago +14 / -0

Nah, not really. It's just a piece of the puzzle.
Wanna know what's coming? Full authoritarian internet censorship. There likely won't be anyone who can stop it anymore either at this point.
Want to know why media and politicians are elevating a pro-censorship "whistleblowers" — who is clearly not a whistleblower and reeks of a psyop?
The Pandora Papers.
Ever heard of them? Wouldn't be surprised if you haven't. In fact, most people haven't. That's what's so staggering about it.
I'm sure many are wondering what they are, so I'll explain.
The Pandora Papers are an aggregation of 12 million documents that were leaked recently that contain the financial information of a huge amount of elites and their off-shore bank accounts. It's the single largest leak of elite finances of all time.
Tell me, don't you think that's something that should be the absolute biggest story in the entire world right now?
We're talking nearly every big name globally that you can think of having their off-shore accounts exposed to the public — including a shit ton of tax information or very likely even certain transactions made.
Think the elites are going to be pleased that all of this info got out?
Coincidentally, there was supposed to be some big release of information that occurred, but it got delayed because of the outages affecting many services.
Learn more about the Pandora Papers here:
Honestly, I'd love to get myself a copy on an external hard-drive to sift through. It may be 2.3 terabytes of information but I'm sure there's some gems of information waiting to have connections made just sitting there.
No idea if there's an online copy or a copy at all anywhere, though.

Happily_Grim 20 points ago +20 / -0

Not like we need Veritas to state what should be common sense, but such are the times we live in, you know?
Unfortunately, I still don't see this changing anything. The Media will continue to push the narrative that Natural Immunity doesn't exist — when studies and common sense unequivocally say otherwise — because pharma is one of the largest contributors to their ad revenue.

But things like this video are undoubtedly helping tremendously and putting a lot of elites in very uncomfortable positions.
Like I said, win or lose, our job as a people is to make their lives a living hell. If they're going to try and stomp all over our rights, act like authoritarian assholes, and try and screw everyone to usher in their retarded totalitarian socialist globalist utopia, then I'm planning on making them earn that shit.
The most screwed up shit is they could actually use these vaccines to kill countless numbers of people if they wanted to and no one would be able to do a damn thing because the pharma companies are completely absolved of all responsibility. A perfect scenario for completely legal extermination of life.
Even if people tried to sue the Government for forcing mandates, what could possibly come out of it? They would point people to the CICP — which they never mention is available and has a strict time limit — and deflect blame as they always do.
They could even push blame onto the unvaccinated and say, "If people had all gotten vaccinated then the need for boosters wouldn't have been necessary because we would have eliminated the virus immediately. It was the accumulation of boosters that ended up costing so many people their lives — not a single dose or two — and we only have the unvaccinated to blame for need for vaccinations after that."
The point is, if shit ends up going south for any reason, they've set themselves up to be comfy through it all — which is bullshit. There's no reason that the people should bear the risk for their experiment and greed.

Happily_Grim 10 points ago +11 / -1

I'll speak to my opinion about how I think things are going. But these are just my personal thoughts and in no way encompasses the whole of what's taking place — that would take much more writing to lay out completely. Some of it is just things I've written before copy/pasted, so if context seems a bit off, that's why.

Wall of text incoming.

I rarely see anyone who says "don't fight back."
Everyone should fight back; however, they should do it intelligently and not simply based off retarded emotional knee-jerk reactions.
If your idea of "fighting back" is screaming dumb shit, then you're literally not fighting back, you genuinely are playing into their hands. Let's be perfectly real, you're no longer "fighting back" at that point as much as you're simply venting your frustrations and screaming into the ether.

Everyone should know, not only through personal experience but observations as well, that people don't simply change their mind because people scream shit at them. It just doesn't happen. There's also almost no way in hell you're going to convince people to agree with you using that method either.
Why do people think that those who gain such a large following and who have a lot of persuasion are those who can calmly make their points using truth and common sense reasoning?
It's because the things that they say lead people to discover things themselves. They don't tell anyone what to think, they simply point out the truth, remain cool-headed, and allow people to figure things out themselves.
Of course, you can certainly add some passion to the overall messaging as well, since I think that when done sincerely it comes across as genuine and relatable, which is equally important.
People do not respond well to being told what to think. They want to feel like they developed their views on their own. That's why TV/social media/consumer culture propaganda has been so effective in making people abandon common sense and support some of the dumbest shit imaginable.
It's imperative that when thinking of methods that people take into account the human ego as well, which is a much more present than ever before.
Realizing all of this, it's also important to remember that simply advocating online is not a substitute for action taken in real life. People must participate in protesting when they can locally. You cannot be that idiot yelling that everyone else should do shit while you sit back and scream all day on social media.
It's important to show up to demonstrations not only to network and meet new people who share similar views, but to add to the movement so others notice they're not alone and perhaps gain the courage to join themselves. Stop being lazy and get off your ass.

We are in a new age. At this very moment we're already engaged in what many wars will look like in the future: a war of information. People on the left are already more than aware of this which is why they're so adamant about censoring views they don't want gaining traction.
The days of using force are done; they're not coming back.
Force only works when you have control of the narrative and what people see and don't see. As of right now, in nearly every facet applicable, the anti-progressive crowd are in a undeniable disadvantage. This is pretty much indisputable.
In order to achieve success, people absolutely must use many of the same methods that their opposition used to gain them that advantage.
Anyone who believes that there's some miracle one-size-fits-all solution where if we just do some big thing we'll achieve what we're looking for is completely insane. What's happening now is a war of attrition.
If we're intent on fighting back then it's imperative that we do it in ways that exceed their expectations and keep them on their toes. We must be smart, calculative, cunning, shrewd, and have solid guiding principles. The meme war of 2016 is a perfect example of that. It completely played to our strengths and caught them so off-guard that we were able to get a man elected President because of it.
Don't underestimate the power of the internet. That's the biggest mistake that conservative-types have done these last several decades and they're paying dearly because of it now, leaving that burden to us to fix.
We must, at all times, play to our strengths.


The methods they're using are all based on dishonesty, propaganda, authoritarianism, and misinformation. There's others as well but I think people get the gist.
I believe that those methods are also completely unsustainable.
To put it quite bluntly: it's a one-way ticket.
As many people most certainly know, once you see how shit really is, there's no going back. It's why the term "red-pill" has been such a fitting description.
It's one of those "once you see it you can't unsee it" type situations. Every day, more and more people are seeing the shocking frequency that the left and their cohorts lie. This has never been more true as with the mandates, vaccines, Biden screwing shit up, and Covid itself. If they were on the fence before, then when they begin to notice who, exactly, the people speaking the truth are now, it's going to make them begin to question a lot more. That's why the truth is such an effective weapon. A lie can only be covered up — you can only create more lies to do that. The truth, however, is the truth — it simply exists as is and is immutable. That's why whenever they can, they try their best to use it but misrepresent it in every conceivable way. Which is also why it's important to know that and call it out for being deceptive.

The truth is a much more effective tool than a lie. As I mentioned before, this is a war of attrition that will take time. It took decades for them to achieve this power, there's no way in hell you're undoing it in a year or two, it's just never going to happen.
That said, the truth is a very powerful weapon and the methods we're currently using are working — and quite well, too. Just because you're not noticing it being showcased in consumer culture or mainstream society, doesn't mean nothing is changing.

During the election we watched a President — who had been the subject of four straight years of witch hunts and smears from every single institution imaginable — gain millions upon millions of votes. More importantly, those are just the ones we know of. If there was some sort of shady shit happening, as many very qualified experts have pointed out with votes being shifted from Trump to Biden, then that number goes up by a staggering amount.

If the methods people are using are so "ineffective," that would not be the case whatsoever — at all.
They are effective, but as mentioned, these things will invariably take time and patience.
It's not a sprint; it's a marathon.
Anyway, I could go on and on and break shit down even more, but the point is everyone should fight back. Period. They should never ignore what's taking place and decide to be apathetic while under some retarded delusion that it will somehow just "go away" — because it won't.
But they should do is smart.
In the end, the most important thing people can do is educate themselves. Learn as much as you possibly can about things that you consider important to you. Learn about your opposition, even if you feel you know enough, don't be arrogant. There's always more you can learn.

We're in the age of information warfare. Don't be the retard who's completely unarmed.

Happily_Grim 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't think it's wrong at all. In fact, It's pretty much what I'm assuming as well.
The only way they can further their agenda is by creating the environment where they can justifiably deem is necessary. How else would they do that without making Covid cases explode at the absolute worst time of year to do such a thing?
For instance, think about what Canada recently did, where they made it so that anyone who calls in sick is automatically counted as a Covid case if they don't go and get tested. That's ridiculously insane. That only serves to perpetuate the narrative and push the agenda. There's no practical reason that should be the case at all in any reality.
Regardless of what they think, regular illnesses and feeling under the weather for a myriad of reasons still exist.
I'm worried we're soon going to see the true harm of the vaccine that Israel wasn't quite capable of demonstrating because of population discrepancies when compared to us.
The administration has even primed the country for an impending disaster by forcing healthcare workers out of their jobs because of the vaccine mandate — that's only going to exacerbate the problem exponentially. In New York alone — one single state — over 100,000 healthcare employees have been fired because of the mandates.
They're creating a recipe for the perfect hysteria storm.
Even as our healthcare system completely collapses, the media and Biden administration have been fomenting a narrative for almost an entire year now that the unvaccinated are the cause for everyone's woes. Even though anyone with half a brain should see through such nonsense. We've already seen that they've successfully conditioned people to hate the people that they will inevitably use as a scapegoat.
All things considered, I stand by what I've said several times before: the best thing people can do right now is be prepared. It doesn't matter if it seems like it might be an overreaction. It doesn't hurt at all to plan ahead for an eventual possibility. It would undeniably be much worse to be caught off-guard and unready.

Happily_Grim 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah, it's a really great video.
It won't get the same views that the usual over-dramatic outrage clips get; however, to me, it's equally important to illustrate for others — particularly in the US or Western countries in general — the things that media/liberal elites deem conspiracy theories are actually great concerns even for politicians of other countries, who would know what's happening behind the scenes far better than most.
Hopefully we can get more and more to speak out soon. The only way to stop this wave of authoritarian bullshit is by more people taking a stand and voicing opposition.

Happily_Grim 10 points ago +10 / -0

This has been one of the better illustrated breakdowns that I've seen. I've always followed the science very closely and I'm quite scientifically literate; however, his explanations, analogies and illustrations, are just kind of comfy and make things a bit more clear.
His warning about the vaccine is a pretty damn scary prospect, though. It's even more concerning when you consider that they're literally advocating for more and more boosters. Just think of what we saw when the Second round began. We saw cases explode again and just when it seemed Covid was going to become a thing of the past, it's become the forefront of everyone's attention once again.
Now we're entering the third? Even after watching the unmitigated disaster of what's taken place in Israel? Seems pretty insane to me.

Anyway, guess we'll see. But it's super concerning when you consider we're hitting our Third shot going into the time of year when cases typically explode regardless.

Happily_Grim 25 points ago +25 / -0

That's why there's an entire website dedicated to this stupid shit now, which she's been added to:
These people are so desperate to feel victimized that they literally go around committing hate-crimes themselves while roleplaying as some make-believe Nazi or white supremacist.
Why the hell would you want to victimize yourself? Maybe it's because we now live in a culture where victims are lavished in praise, attention, and even money, simply for being so *"Stunning & Brave"*™?
Or, maybe they just desperately wish their ghost story hate-fantasies were reality when they're pretty much not.
Almost every modern incident of a "hate-crime" that I see is literally just people making shit up in order to pretend the crime was somehow racially motivated. It's so mind-numbingly retarded that I'm truly floored every time I see virtue chasing goofs drooling and clapping along.
Here is the latest example. I considered making this into a thread, but just haven't gotten around to it.


Anyone with half a brain can see the pure insanity this dumb bitch pretends happened as she lies through her teeth and tries to stir up the perpetually insecure victims into taking action.
It's truly disgusting.

Happily_Grim 14 points ago +14 / -0

I actually shared it with several people I know and they were blown away. They had always thought the shit he was talking about was a joke, but hearing it from a politician made them question things a bit more — which is good.
At the same time, it sort of pisses me off because it demonstrates an obsession with authority and a lack of intellectual autonomy or faith in the people around them, you know? Like they have to be told something by someone in a position of power before they consider believing it.

Still, it's better than the idiots who follow whatever celebrities tell them. I can't possibly think of a group that's dumber than them.

Happily_Grim 22 points ago +22 / -0

This speech helped a lot in making me realize that there's absolutely an agenda being pushed that the overwhelming majority of people are completely oblivious to.
When a politician is comfortable enough to come out and flat-out say the shit that he's saying, you know he, as well as the people who work with him, did their homework and have the facts to back up their claims.
It's both relieving and concerning at the same time.

Happily_Grim 32 points ago +34 / -2

Well, at least I can easily identify that I'm not watching it now.
That made it super easy.
Tell me, I know we get some black people in these parts, are you guys cool with this shit? To me, it would be like casting an all white cast for some story based on a fantasy version of the tribes of the Serengeti. It's pretty cringe.
These are the same people who scream that "white people don't have any culture" as they continually take roles based entirely around white culture.
I just don't get it.
Yeah, I understand that I'm white, but I just don't understand the identity shit. I really don't. I've never looked at anyone based on their race. When I grew up watching TV there were countless black people who I looked up to. It wasn't "black or white" culture; it was American culture.
Spawn was one my favorite super heroes.
Jordan was my favorite athlete.
Wesley Snipes was popular as hell.
In Living Color was one of my favorite shows.
Chris Rock, Patrice O'Neil, and Richard Pryor were one of my many favorite comedians.
Etc. etc. etc.
Everything these days is about division and for some reason tearing down straight white people to build everyone else up. It doesn't make sense. We all share more in common than we have difference and face many of the same issues every day.

Happily_Grim 45 points ago +45 / -0

I truly don't care anymore. I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop at this point.
These vaccines will have long-term consequences, just like every single previous attempt to make coronavirus vaccines.
I don't give a shit what they try, I will not take their piece of shit poison vaccine.
They can only cover it up for so long.

Perhaps to our benefit, they just fired tens of thousands of nurses and doctors and are looking at firing perhaps hundreds of thousands more worldwide — can only hope thousands have the balls to go whistleblower.
My hopes for them doing the right thing aren't very high, though. Even though they really don't have much to lose anymore, these are the same assholes who could have helped prevent this shitty nightmare to begin with if they had just done the right thing and stopped making stupid retarded dance videos.
Guess we'll have to see what decision they make when they finally get through their stupid cope period where they probably think it's temporary and they'll get their job back in no time.

Anyone notice how ever since the vaccine has been released they suddenly care about per capita, even though they never gave a shit before?
They're using statistical manipulation to drive this pandemic forward.
Before the vaccine it was all about straight numbers. The media didn't care at all when people would point out how they're misrepresenting numbers to serve their interests. Now all of a sudden they don't care about numbers and want to look at it as a per capita thing.
Because if you read the reports it makes it perfectly clear: the vaccinated are not only making up more hospitalizations, they're also making up more deaths than the unvaxxed in terms of raw numbers.
Where it becomes even more duplicitous, is that many of these institutions are now presenting two groups of people: The Unvaccinated and the Vaccinated. The problem is, they only consider those who have had the requisite number of vaccines required as "Fully Vaccinated" and everyone else — including those who have received one vaccine — as the "Unvaccinated." I'm sure no one needs it spelled out why that's a huge damn problem.
Do we know when those people received their first vaccine? Of course not. So for all we know, their hospitalization itself could very well be attributed to the vaccination. Regardless, by definition the people have been vaccinated and should not be included with the Unvaccinated group; if anything they should be included in the Vaccinated group.


Either way, I really have a hard time feeling bad anyone on the left side of the political spectrum who feels confused by what's taking place. No one wanted to listen when we were warning them before the election what would happen. I can't even tell you how many people I know who spent countless hours warning others — entire days at a time.

Anyway, that's enough ranting... I'm just so tired of this shit and all the stupid assholes who can't see what's so plainly obvious.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm the one going crazy. But I can honestly take comfort in the fact that all actual data and statistics — pretty much all the objective facts that are being obfuscated — are more often than not on my side. I also have to remind myself of just how many times these people have been caught lying and how often we've been 100% right about shit happening.

Happily_Grim 11 points ago +11 / -0

Democrats really are gutter trash pieces of shit.

Happily_Grim 24 points ago +24 / -0

At least they know who their new target demographic has become: sex obsessed liberal losers who live in a world of make-believe bullshit.

Happily_Grim 27 points ago +27 / -0

Karen is gonna Karen. What do you expect?
You don't get to put hands on people and then act like the victim when they retaliate. Just doesn't work that way. Like a retarded child, she simply couldn't control herself or her emotions and even went to attack* again.* She knew she didn't stand a chance in hell, but she was expecting that the men around her would come and do something about it. She made it explicitly clear afterwards with her trying to shame and guilt them, too.
Why the hell should they?
Women like her are the ones constantly shitting on men and blaming all of her life's problems on them. Does she think that her seeking attention/validation and virtue chasing by destroying the core identity of an entire group doesn't come with consequences?

It's even funnier that the black chick re-tweeting wants to talk about white people crying wolf. Talk about a total lack of self-awareness.
I don't think she actually understands what "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" story is about. A quick glance at her twitter shows she's a degenerate raced obsessed loser. Shocking.

Happily_Grim 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's culture left in rural areas; however, more and more they're subjected to corruption from local officials.
At this point, the overwhelming majority are simply puppets for the regime who are controlled by media.
Kind of beginning to sound more and more familiar to what's taking place in many countries. Almost like they're following China's playbook, except they need to completely destroy the foundations first before instituting the more extreme measures.

Happily_Grim 2 points ago +2 / -0

Max-vax to the extreme, bruh!
They're trying to collect a Covid card for every vaxx that they can get! It shows just how much they care.

Happily_Grim 1 point ago +1 / -0

It really elucidates just how effective a good team of writers can be. Colbert has always been the puppet to the writer's show.
That's one of the reasons I love standup and when actual standup comedians switch to something like a podcast or their own web show. In most instances you can be sure that whatever they're saying is coming from them and not a group of retard writers who write based off of focus-group research.
It's just a shame that standup has been under attack for years now as well for being "problematic" — even though people have a choice of whether or not they actually watch.

Happily_Grim 7 points ago +7 / -0

I really hate this rotten asshole. He's such a filthy scumbag gutter trash piece of shit.
Him and those like him are a cancerous tumor on society eating away at everything just to satiate their greed.

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