Trump is literally the embodiment of the "Fuck you, I will make money and prosper" mentality that is America.
Fking globalization, and the propaganda that was enacted, have all but brain rotted the soft-handed elite/privileged into self-hatred.
Without a people, culture, or boarder, there is no fucking country. But, these soft-handed fuckers don't know what that means, because they have never suffered a stateless existence. So they go on hating the figure most aligned with the pulse of America.
Good times that have created weak men indeed; and these weak men are envious of strong men wishing to usher in a new age of good times.
Its funny, given how Christianity nurtured the institutions that gave Westerners the luxury to attack it.
Guess when Westerners cut the flower of religion, they thought its flora would never wither. And yet, the society and institutions that built up the west are now decaying with it.
Funny how Science (theory craft, curtailed by experimental results) is only applied to everything but religion. And now, we ran the greatest experiment of them all: a 100 year reign of a secular society among multiple cultures. And what has occurred (although be it, gradually), the complete decay of said societies.
If they actually gave a shit about principle, they would stick with what works, and re-introduce Christianity back into public life. The US constitution states "separation of church and state," but not "separation of church and public life" because the founders never wanted a Godless society, just one not ruled by the Catholic or English churches.
Hate how the far left treats those two statements as if they were the same, but guess that's a given, seeing how intellectually dishonest they are.
Have firearms and ammo, incase this prophecy does come to fruition. Hope to never use them, but the Second Amendment does exist as a collateral on the social contract.
Other countries do not have this, specifically to exploit their populations if the ruling classes deem it fit. America does, which is why it is one of the best countries for its mass population.
Don't go quietly into the night, but simultaneously, don't go believing that tomorrow is a dark day. Be prepared, whether that means a finger on the trigger or air to breath a sigh of relief.
Worked in E-Commerce for a while; Walmart seller center outsources the most to India, and it shows. The admin dashboard runs like shit, yet demands the most of you in terms of compliance.
I.e. if you sell a pallet of 8 semi-tires, Walmart will DEMAND that you ship via 1 day lag time, even if it was bought on Saturday (a non-work day). This is impossible for STL and LTL distribution, but Walmart does not care.
Walmart will also demand material spec sheets and various licensure/paperwork for literally EVERYTHING, with no goodwill/faith in site. Yet, Walmart so less frequented to its competitors that it has absolutely no leverage to push these through.
============================================================= Pretty sure this is a reflection of both the American corporate establishment and the Indian mindset.
American corpo's will put in the smallest amount of effort, yet demand you compensate on their behalf, since they believe they can get away with it. They take comfort in a sort of economic "divine right," where by nature of their heredity, others must compensate for their now-waning comparative advantage.
As for Indian's, they try to mimic what they believe are "Western standards," but are so clearly out of the loop that they end up shitting all over the rug. They do this because of an unearned sense of achievement, thinking they can compete or outperform the West. Then, when they are inevitably unable meet metrics, they just try to preserve their positions by playing off your morality and asking for "documents," "proof," or "license". They do not understand they lack any leg to stand on.
============================================================= They only way to beat this unholy alliance is to open an American business that delivers a better product while protecting American workers. That, or if running a multi-national business, making sure the branches are localized to the native populations that then sell to the same populations.
Globalization is not necessarily evil if it respects cultures, rather than trying to force-miscegenation everyone into a brown poo for an extra penny on the P&L sheet.
Boeing, like so many dysgenic corpos, are ultimately paper tigers in the long run (if they don't change). It shouldn't be too hard to break through them given enough time, and a proper long-term business approach.