ForgottenMemes 6 points ago +6 / -0

The other co-founder did a joint AMA with the ADL/SPLC about 10 years ago on reddit. It's been both leftist and anti-white propaganda for years.

ForgottenMemes 9 points ago +9 / -0

Most of these people don't give a shit about communism. They're just opportunists. They'd be commies under Stalin, Nazis under Hitler, Baathist under Saddam or Taliban. Whatever group is in power they'll kowtow to and snitch on the regime's enemies. If nationalists were in power they'd be great little citizens, since zionists are in power they're enthusiastically oppressing white Christians.

ForgottenMemes 10 points ago +10 / -0

White supremacy just means a functioning society where there are rules to follow and promotion is based on merit.

Once you've clarified this there is no reason not to call white supremacy what it is.

ForgottenMemes 24 points ago +24 / -0

In current use of the word "far-right" just means people capable of critical thinking. So he's right on both accounts, anti-covidhoax is a far-right pipeline and anyone opposed to liberals who mindlessly accept all regime propaganda no matter how ludicrous is far-right.