FeeFiFoeFi 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think I read somewhere that Breaking Bad was written in it's entirety, with the ending already planned before the pilot ever even aired, and they stuck to it. That's why it was so good.

FeeFiFoeFi 7 points ago +7 / -0

Because women are weaker then men, it's literally in their nature to rely on social interaction. That's why most women won't fight against popular, mainstream media. Because they perceive it as strength in numbers. Even if it's hurting themselves. Like promoting trans men in women's sports.

FeeFiFoeFi 7 points ago +7 / -0

Women by nature will agree with what they perceive as "popular". They're like robots, they just regurgitate what's been fed to them. Popular media and the education system have been taken over by communists. Ergo women fall in line. They're literally brainwashed. Like Eve with the snake in the garden.

FeeFiFoeFi 3 points ago +3 / -0

Normies think this is normal. Well, depending on age. Older ones are intentionally normalizing it or routing it on, so that younger generations think it's normal. So that young white males will hate themselves, kill themselves, or become women... And then kill themselves.

FeeFiFoeFi 5 points ago +5 / -0

You know, there have been moments in my adult life when I had briefly considered starting my collection of comics again... Not anymore. Thanks for the warning.

FeeFiFoeFi 7 points ago +7 / -0

Restricting my play time isn't going to inspire me to go out and fuck a tranny. I'd probably just spend my free time creating alt accounts so I can play as long as I want.

FeeFiFoeFi 7 points ago +7 / -0

Most sjw's are stupid kids with stupid assumptions, drilled into their heads by evil liars who know these people will fall for it. In this way, every generation will be seen as "racist, sexist, yada-yada" by the next generation. It's the circle of life. No matter how woke you were when you were 20, you'll be called a racist when you're 40.

FeeFiFoeFi 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just looked it up on Wikipedia. See, I've never understood that shit. Like, I don't even care if I ever see a band I like in concert. Then you have other people who go to a concert and cry. It's cringey as fuck.

FeeFiFoeFi 14 points ago +14 / -0

I'll never understand how pornstars make any money. Porn has been free for decades at this point. Why the hell would anyone pay for it?

FeeFiFoeFi 7 points ago +7 / -0

With streaming services, these people make money whether we even watch the show or not. That's why they keep pushing their shitty agendas, they don't have to win over fan approval. They'll get royalty checks regardless.

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