EtherSword 2 points ago +2 / -0

The link works for me, reading some of the responses, most of the females that play pokemon go are the ones most vocal about the update, they don't like that their characters are ugly looking now and also outfits they purchased were removed (basically scammed).

EtherSword 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe he had a change of heart down the line or something, cause I agree, I wasn't a fan of him at all. I think we can just keep an eye on him while still support the message. Maybe his producers had a leash on him back then, who knows.

EtherSword 4 points ago +4 / -0

Destiny and other democrats make fun of conservatives for using the word nuance for topics that have grey areas.

EtherSword 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think it's a little bit deeper than that. They (deep state) is going for a win-win situation, it's power/control so if they do get Trump through nefarious means, they will control Nikki if people vote for her over Biden and if people don't vote for Nikki, then still have their puppet in the white house right now.

EtherSword 5 points ago +5 / -0

A lot of pushback on nexus mod team in the reddit thread and calling them out, and people defending nexus were downvoted to oblivion, at least that was good to see.

EtherSword 6 points ago +6 / -0

Lethn, you could also have the self-awareness to not fall for the obvious bait by ifunniuser. Just downvote.

EtherSword 2 points ago +2 / -0

I find it so funny and fascinating when you begin asking the right questions, they stop responding. Also want to point out in other comment chains regarding Antonio, I noticed he says "don't get me wrong" or "I'm not asserting" a lot, when you have to say that a lot then there is underlying issue that he needs to self reflect on, it's a bad habit when you need to make yourself extra clear.

Btw, my comment is mostly just a throwaway and not likely to respond, I'm just lurking right now with our recent election and mostly looking at shills trying to create Desantis vs Trump narrative to destroy us and them.