Comment Removed for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
Comment Removed for: Rule 1 - Illegal Activities
Your wife in Alex Jones' voice: "I'm gonna eat your ass!"
Roll for Initiative.
Comment Removed for: Rule 1 - Illegal Activities
Do not encourage or support rioting
Literally the majority of White Nationalists on this forum do. Even more than the number of avowed White Nationalists who talked about "our Palestinan brothers" and "justified resistance to decolonization", and that was at least 1/3 of them. I'd say probably half of the 'White Nationalists' are just National Socialists espousing Judeo-Capitalism or Judeo-Bolshevism; while the remaining 45% believe that they are explicitly and literally Satan worshiping demons hell bent on destroying humanity, and the remaining 5% just generically dislike jews without an ideological framework behind it.
And yeah, that Pro-Palestinian propaganda after the October 7th attacks really surprised me. It wasn't the glee from dead jews that surprised me, that was obvious. It was the Leftist Pro-Palestine propaganda. Either that specific group were literal Qatari shills who are impersonating WN's (in addition the infiltration by feds that they have), or they weren't even really pro-white racists (just people who want dead jews at the cost of everything else).
But like I said, those were still a large minority of the WN posters. The rest are absolutely devoted to an 'eternal jewish war against humanity' dialectic of either a racial or religious bent. It's exactly the same way a commie would look at a Kulak.
Post Reported for: Rule 13 - Reposts
Post Removed already
The purpose of Rule 16, among several reasons is to fundamentally undermine all Leftist subversion arguments by historical dialectics, which Leftism applies against any borgouis class that it is targeting for eradication via the dialectic. It is here to protect the sub from Leftist subversion, which Judeo-Capitalism is.
It's the only one that meets the definition of Rule 16, and it's only one of two commonly done. The other is women. The dialectic can be applied to whites, women, Jews, the rich, etc.
I'm not playing word games, I'm actually being very specific.
I don't need to be dishonest. The dialectic is clear. It's quite simple.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
This is close but no cigar.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Comment Approved: This doesn't do that.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Comment Removed for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Citing jews as inherently evil.
You still wouldn't allow it among "your people". And the first person to cite that to you would no longer be concerned of "your people", and would be treated as a race traitor.
There isn't a conversation to be had, because you don't really have principles at all. Just a friend-enemy distinction and a historical dialectic. Nothing further.
Even if I left, the problem would still not be me. It would just be that yet another NatSoc shithole would be in a corner of the internet accomplishing nothing but screeching into the void about the same 12 memes that have been repeated ad nauseum.
"Kill jews, they to blame for all things that have ever happened" is not a conversation or discussion. It is a dialectic. It doesn't even allow for a discussion. You either kill jews, or you're a race traitor and should be killed. There is no further discussion.
Comment Reported for: Rule 12 - Disinformation
Comment Approved: Poster is correct. Nationalism has occurred on both the Left and the non-Left.
Post Reported for: Rule 12 - Intentional Falsehoods / Disinformation
Okay, is there a counter-narrative? Was this all made up? Care to post the dissent?
Comment Removed for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Do not dehumanize an identity group.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Comment Removed for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
"ZOG Bots" inherently assert Judeo-Bolshevism / Judeo-Capitalism , which are violations of Rule 16.
Comment Reported for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
Comment Approved: Seems to me like the user is being satirical.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Comment Approved: This doesn't do that.
Your enemies are late in reporting your bullshit. And incorrectly.
I didn't align myself with anyone. Take your "you're either with us or against us" nonsense elsewhere. There's literally plenty to pick from.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Comment Approved: Even if we assume the allegation of detainee abuse to be true, criticism of Judaism as a religion has always been allowed. Same with Israel. The innate moral inferiority of a people, by virtue of a historical dialectic, is not.
Honestly, Rule 16 has proven it's value more than I expected.
Comment Removed for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
This is either celebrating the death of Englishmen, whom Hitler is responsible for, or committing a genocide against Arabs, which Hitler never did, and actually has ties to the Palestinian and Pan-Arab movements.
I mean, hell, only Hess believed that the English weren't an inferior half-jew mongrel race, and he only felt that Saxons were people worthy of any effort.