Comment Reporte3d for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Eh, that depends. Seems like he's referring to simply the criminals themselves.
Because you are obsessed with jews. It's really quite easy. You insist on using euphemisms when, for the past 5 years, no one in KiA has removed comments based on euphemism. It's the only group you would use a euphemism for in the first place. If he meant black, he would have just said "nog" or some variant.
Yeah, because it would be a Rule 2 violation anyway. (ModsAreAIDS was correct. I'm not a weasel though. I'm clearly a dragon. rawr.)
I can also reasonably guess which group is being meant based on context clues. Nobody goes around screaming 'gas the hindi'.
Literally everyone is a Rule 16 person. Again, saying 'jews' is not an issue.
He didn't do the opposite. He supported a minor getting raped as the just consequence of the minor's behavior. I'm not going to tolerate that. The minor, doesn't have agency in this case, as they are a minor. It is the glorification of violence.
I don't care that you don't trust me. I don't trust your judgement because a) the comment is clearly victim-blaming a minor, which is glorification of violence; b) you assume that the only correct rule enforcement should occur without the ability for a moderator to use interpretation, c) in the reply you've justified the ending of all rule enforcement of all kinds.
No. Because in so doing you have entire removed the purposes of enforcement altogether. By your logic, there should be no removals, nor bans, for any reason, under any circumstance, because all removals can be re-displayed as "preservation" including illegal content.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - identity attacks
Comment Approved: No, but this does prove that the purpose of the alt-right is to destroy the dissident right, and populist right, at the benefit of the establishment Left.
"Hello fellow Whites, to truly protect our White children for a White future, we must all vote for Kamala Harris! Please join me in this Zoom call where we as White men will discuss why Kamala Harris is the one true Great White Hope."
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Comment Removed for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Asserting jewish controlled media operating as part of an eternal, multinational, race-war conspiracy.
Comment Reported for: Rule 15 - Slurs
Calling each other cunts is not enough to be considered a truly repulsive slur.
Getting pregnant as a minor is, by definition, the non-consensual sex with a minor, because minors can't consent. Hence, it is rape.
Rape is an act of violence.
There are several ways to find out exactly what was said if you really want to.
Let me be clear about something for a moment when it comes to "free speech" regarding KIA. I am more open and lackadaisical on viewpoint discrimination than anyone, in either KIA's history of moderation.
Prior to coming here, you have never been able to advocate for children getting raped. No in in KIA1 ever allowed it. No one ever allowed in KIA2 ever allowed it before I got added. I carry on that tradition.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Comment Removed for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Claiming jews as a race seek to kill people and be corrupt
Consider that different people report different things.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Comment Removed for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
This time against indians.
Comment Reported for: Rule 15 - Slurs
Comment Approved for: "dipshit" is hardly appalling enough of a slur to count as a rule violation
IIRC, partly due to the opioid epidemic in the US, a lot of police stations actually have prescription drug deposit boxes where you can take prescription drugs that need to be destroyed that you don't have use for anymore; which is both legal, and is better than flushing them down the toilet.
Post Reported for: Rule 1 - Illegal Activity
Post Approved: This is criticizing illegal behavior. Not engaging in it.
Post Removed: OP you do not have enough time in this forum to post new threads. Your contributions have been fine for now, but please wait 30 days before making new threads.
Because it was of the same level. It was victim-blaming the rape of a minor. That isn't a proper discussion.
If it gets a positive reception, then fuck everyone who upvoted it.
Comment Removed for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Asserting jewish race war conspiracy.
Comment Removed for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
This is a "Pedo Pajeet" level comment.
That depends on the context. Criminal action against you can be still done by minors. FAFO has to be couched as a legal response.
Even excluding minors, you can't say that if someone broke into your house, you would tie them down and rape them to death. That's not actually self-defense.