Cronosmax2 1 point ago +2 / -1

Women have so many option to choose from nowadays with many games that dont sexualize women. But they still flock to the few ones that do.

Cronosmax2 14 points ago +14 / -0

They only care about sexualization if a dude in his basement is jerking off to anime characters. Apparently though, all the sexualization you see on social media is fine.

Cronosmax2 32 points ago +32 / -0

Looking at sexy fictional women never made me think lesser of women or see real women in my day to day life as sex objects. What is currently making me start to hate women is the shit you described.

Cronosmax2 2 points ago +3 / -1

The error you've made is equating the "female gaze" with being more sophisticated

But thats the thing, Im not the one saying that, THEY are the ones implying that the "female gaze" is more "sophisticated". And youve mentioned smut written for women that heavily objectifies men, but they literally also deny that the "female gaze" is objectifying at all, and objectification of the other gender is something only reserved for the male gaze (they cite how media for men has ass and boob shots of women, but media for women doesnt have shots of dicks and ass of men). Here are the videos I was talking about



Cronosmax2 21 points ago +22 / -1

And all the leftists I see saying "she was right about everything" and praising her. I hope they all fucking die. I wish feminists would fuck off from hobbies forever. Its not enough that most western mainstream games dont feature sexualized women, feminists still attack the few games that do. "No one is trying to take your toys away" my ass. I dont think having sexually appealing women in a game is sexist, but at this point, Im starting to want to say "I dont care if its sexist, fuck off" rather than debating these dykes. I saw a subhuman dyke on 4chan's /v/ seething about soulcaibur 6 and ivy, and also msgv quiet and arguing about male power fantasies vs sexualization and whatnot (and no trust me, they werent baiting), despite the fact that games like sc6 are in the minority now and they at this point could literally just not play games like that instead of going on some moral crusade because of muh soggy kness. They cant leave things alone. And fuck anita as well, I'm sick of leftists arguing that "she didnt want things banned, it was just media criticism!". The end result of her ideology is literally having anything that she doesnt approve of banned of vilified because she believes it harms women. It's like saying that the pearl clutching christians of the 90s were merely just criticizing media, and didnt want it banned (which we know is all bullshit).

Cronosmax2 16 points ago +16 / -0

I like football as a sport because it is such a tactical and strategic game, and I never got why people stereotyped it as a "sport for meatheads". But, its a shame that the biggest and most prominent football league and competition in the us (and in the world) is cucked as fucked (as pretty much every other major sporting league is). It's funny too because I doubt the subhuman faggots who would get mad over what a shock jock radio host said are the type of people who play and watch football anyways. It's funny too because soccer leagues in europe are less pozzed than this, and soccer was always known as the "pussy sport".

Cronosmax2 9 points ago +9 / -0

That comment section too. Fuck me I get that those guys on incel forums say shit like "Kill all women" or whatever, but damn a lot of them have mental issues like autism and also talk about how they wanna commit suicide and how lonely they are, and these people just further shit on them because they say edgy shit online.

Cronosmax2 6 points ago +6 / -0

Its the fact that a movie that sends such a message is breaking box office records and is supported by broader society, and also the fact that a movie that would shit on women in a similar fashion wouldnt even make it to mainstream production

Cronosmax2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks bro, I noticed that sneed.today was down.

Cronosmax2 22 points ago +22 / -0

The comments on that post too. It's funny how the barbie movie could literally send the message that "all men have it easy" and "men are disgusting pigs" etc. and people will go to lengthy mental gymnastics to try to justify how it isnt hateful at all, and its just men being babies about it. But if a female character in a movie isnt flawless or isnt written perfectly to these 'peoples' standards, even if its not intentionally trying to hate women, then is "muh soggy knees" (like how journalists are complaing that Oppenheimer is "misogynistic" because the woman isnt the star of the show). Redditors deserve the rope genuinely, I dont care if thats violent speech or not I hate these people so much. Also remember that patriarchy theory is inherently hateful towards men, as it literally frames men as a class as oppressors over all women. Same faggots who whine about white nationalists who hate the average jew because a handful of jews are supposedly in power, while they themselves dont think much differently when it comes to men.

Cronosmax2 14 points ago +14 / -0

I wish these people never got into gaming. And a lot of women and even gay men like bayonetta too. I cant believe we live in a world where social media and music can be full of explicit female sexualization but video games have to be regulated because "muh fictional characters dont have agency but onlyfans models do" and "muh treating women like sex objects". To these people, slight cleavage in a game is enough to set them off (on resetera, someone was whining that a flast chested female character was showing slight clevage in bc3).

Cronosmax2 2 points ago +2 / -0

The point of my post is that they unironically give more attention to sexualization of women in media than men fucking killing themselves, which shows how little they care about men despite them saying they do. But I agree with you though

Cronosmax2 5 points ago +5 / -0

As a man with mental issues whose thought about suicide before (probably going to get made fun of for this but whatever) this shit is what radicalizes me. Seeing what they say and do, not going on forums like this or watching wrongthink content or whatever. Just by looking at these comments and these videos makes me seethe with rage tbh

Cronosmax2 16 points ago +16 / -0

Men looking at sexy women is good when they are paying for it on onlyfans. They also blame male suicide on the patriarchy because its men who tell other men not to cry and its men who set the standard in the first place that men shouldnt open up. Basically blaming men about their own suicide .They also argue that men shouldnt be allowed to enjoy sexy games because they warp their view of women and its enjoying misogyny.

Cronosmax2 5 points ago +5 / -0

And if you really hate yourself, just read the comments on these videos. Just look at this shit https://ibb.co/MnvDx1j https://ibb.co/r74kZr3 https://ibb.co/vDd9j1s And as a disclaimer im not encouraging violence, but is there a political solution to these people?

Cronosmax2 5 points ago +5 / -0

They want the male gaze banned completely and think its wrong for men to enjoy attractive women in any capacity.

Cronosmax2 11 points ago +11 / -0

I wish anime never got popular

Cronosmax2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because videos like these get a lot of likes and support and this sentiment is the basic consensus among feminists nowadays. And because I hate these people with everything.

Cronosmax2 14 points ago +14 / -0

Watch 20 minutes of it like I did if you really hate yourself. She literally says that any forms of sexualization to appeal to men is bad.

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