ClockworkFool 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not everyone is like this, which again, I understand. But at the same time being taxed out of my arse to pay for services nowhere near as good as they are claimed to be is just laughable.

The funny thing about the US vs Europe healthcare debate is, depending on what figures you look at, it's argued that the US system actually costs the government more per capita than the alternative. I think that was particularly the case for comparing the US to the UK, at any rate.

I'd hardly say I was an expert, but iirc, that's the core tragedy of the American system. It costs them similar amounts in tax, and then there was still the potential for paying huge amounts of money for the actual service afterwards (as well as potentially getting into fights with the insurance agencies over what they will and won't actually pay out for).

The Amercian system essentially, as far as I understood it last time I tried to get to grips with it, had all the failings of the alternatives but none of the actual benefits you'd expect for regular people using the system or the government in general. Both ends effectively get squeezed to make the middle men fabulously wealthy.

Personally, I take that as support for a UK style NHS type path, but I did get into a very discussion with someone over at the Reddit on the topic. You'll forgive my shitty memory, but I think it might have been Gizortnik and he had a very different solution to the same situation that boiled down to forcing the insurance companies to really fight for people's business so as to naturally push down the ridiculously inflated prices of everything, (though I wouldn't attempt to really explain in any detail because I do not remember anywhere near clearly enough).

ClockworkFool 4 points ago +4 / -0

Honestly not sure I've ever seen someone wearing either. Not even ironically.

Pinkie Extension? Well, maybe. Sometimes you've just got to be classier, you know? :)

ClockworkFool 1 point ago +1 / -0

I like to think I have ritual significance.

ClockworkFool 5 points ago +5 / -0

Interesting thought experiment.

I can't help but pick at it though, being the contrarian that I sometimes tend to be.

If I lived in the American South in the 1800's, in what sense would I be me? I am a product of my genetics but also a product of the society I was born into and the people who raised me. I don't know the first thing about who this hypothetical alternate Dixie Fool would have been, so it's hard to meaningfully make any judgements about them.

The closest I could really state is that, if I imagine someone kind of like me on a very vague level, born into the south in that time in remotely comparable circumstances to mine, then I would not be surprised to find that such a person would have little real opinion on the matter at all and very much not be in a position to develop one to any meaningful degree. The question would not be particularly relevant to that person, I think.

Either way though, it wouldn't be me.

ClockworkFool 8 points ago +8 / -0

The major cause of police (in the uk in particular) targetting social media and rudeness is a mix of having targets to hit, in order to justify funding, and not having the funds to do any serious, difficult policing. So they run speed cameras and go around telling people off for being rude on social media a lot more than they otherwise would.

Some of that is motivated by politics perhaps, but mostly it's just box ticking to hide how much the system is on fire.

This looks to have been a major multinational initiative, so there's significantly more funding available for the effort and a lot more organisational will to allow real police work to get done. Add in the fact that the operation boils down to the french got lucky and everyone else really just needed to sweep in and do the arresting and you've got that most rare of things.

A heartwarming police story that bends organised crime over a barrel and goes in dry.

ClockworkFool 7 points ago +7 / -0

FWIW, halfKiA.win is still working for me.

Back up on my end as well, at this point.

ClockworkFool 14 points ago +14 / -0

Let me guess, "crime" in this case means people posting non-communist things on social media.

From what information is out there, not so much.

The appears to be a proper police action, targeting legitimately organised crime.

Wil van Gemert, deputy executive director of Europol, told a press conference in the Hague that the hacking of the network had allowed the "disruption of criminal activities including violent attacks, corruption, attempted murders and large-scale drug transports".

For once, we seem to have the police doing their actual job.

ClockworkFool 11 points ago +11 / -0

Further info in the rest of the tweet chain. Interesting turn of events, today.

EDIT - Beeb article

ClockworkFool 12 points ago +12 / -0

It was up last night, and on the reddit they were still talking as if it was up as of a couple of hours ago.

But yeah, I've been getting gateway errors today myself, and only for KIA, not for any of the other win communities.

Not the foggiest what's going on with that.

ClockworkFool 8 points ago +11 / -3

Taking steroids to enhance your sporting performance will absolutely cause physical changes and make women develop some secondary male sexual traits as part and parcel of you injecting male hormones. That's true. It's absolutely been a problem in sport with places like East Germany, as well as female body building and likely in several other fields.

But that's very little to do with Transsexualism, with Gender Dysphoria or anything of the sort.

You're misusing terms at best, here. We get enough of that from the woke lot, frankly.

ClockworkFool 2 points ago +2 / -0

More murderers are male - I hate this one. Single mothers' badly raised kids should count as women murderers.

When someone grows up to be a murderer, it is absolutely to a degree a failure of those who raised them.

But your murders are still just and only that. Yours. I can't agree with any push to make other people directly responsible for the crimes of others. And I'm not convinced you really do here either.

The correct counter balance to the more murderers are male thing would be that more murder victims are male, at least iirc.

ClockworkFool 4 points ago +4 / -0

Possibly as others are suggesting.

Also possible they just barely skim read it, saw a few unpleasant looking lines and nuked the comment without so much as understanding what they saw.

There's usually a degree of both of those kinds of motivations when it comes to admin removals, in my experience.

ClockworkFool 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think Adam is just more of a honest/heart on sleeve type person. He feels like he's voting for Trump so he says it.

Honestly, from the few clips I've seen, I'd say Adam is also fundamentally a happier and more positive person than good old Doom Pool.

ClockworkFool 5 points ago +5 / -0

What consenting adults do in their private lives is no concern of mine. The pursuit of happiness is one of those universal things, after all.

But it wouldn't work for me, and I don't see it as a desirable arrangement more generally.

ClockworkFool 5 points ago +5 / -0

...It's two.

The difference between KotakuinAction and KotakuinAction2 is two.

ClockworkFool 9 points ago +9 / -0

Soon? I got here before you did.

I just didn't do anything productive.

ClockworkFool 1 point ago +1 / -0

Uh, I don't think I see anything. Admittedly, the .win is loading really wonky today anyway.

EDIT - In the cold light of day, not only do I recognise how shady that link looks, more unforgivably, the masking isn't as good as I hoped on the badge. I'll pull the link and consider sorting out some kind of safely disassociated account on a more reputable file hoster instead if anyone out there is still playing Dawn of War and for some reason wants a gamergate badge/banner that I threw together in the middle of the night.

ClockworkFool 12 points ago +12 / -0

The general rule over on reddit was always that anyone was welcome, provided they abided by the rules of the sub. That included taking your chances in the marketplace of ideas and having to deal with any extra scrutiny your actions elsewhere puts you under.

But at the end of the day, anyone was still welcome.

The .win is still protoplasmic and in flux, but I'd be surprised if that principle changed much.

ClockworkFool 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't know if this will work, but here; A quick Dawn of War colourscheme and badges.[Link redacted]

You'll have to forgive the shitty choice of upload location, it's been a million years since I shared files online of any kind. We'll see if the above even works.

ClockworkFool 6 points ago +6 / -0

Dave really seemed to have problems, by the end there. Hopefully wherever he is, the guy is in a healthier place.

ClockworkFool 12 points ago +12 / -0

I take both sides in race wars.

My position on War in general is a highly controversial one. Whether it be flame wars, race wars, total war, etc;

War is bad. I'm not a fan, generally speaking.

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