BulbasaurusThe7th 21 points ago +21 / -0

But if I, you, her mother, her uncle or anyone else told her that it wasn't going to work she would have yapped at us with that blabbering, incomprehensible way.

Honey, in a Muslim family you will never be considered equal. It's Muslim men, Muslim women, non-Muslim men. The very bottom is non-Muslim women. That's just a fact.
White girls like this like to pretend it's not so. It's also not even just the Muslim men, even the women said Muslim men rape and beat and keep as slaves will think you a stupid useless, immoral whore, because you are not even a believer.
Even if said stupid ass white girl becomes a Muslim, she will never be considered the same as all the other Muslim women.

All in all, only stupid women do this to themselves.

BulbasaurusThe7th 19 points ago +20 / -1

My dream is they convince them to name their kids Rayquaza. Like the pokemon.

BulbasaurusThe7th 28 points ago +29 / -1

First they burn down the businesses owned by black people in their own neighbourhoods. Then they do this.

Fucking retards.

Also, the African American community would benefit from learning to spend money in a slightly more intelligent way. Less meaningless fashion and stupid shit.

I'm looking at Twitter, the hashtag. A bunch of black women trying to signal boost their own businesses. It's all trashy clothes/accessories, lipgloss, fake lashes, hair caps.
One woman claims that blacks needs to buy from blacks, so then eventually the community will only buy from each other. Yeah hon, a lot of lashes and garish tight crop tops. No furniture, electronics, appliances, raw ingredients for food, etc.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not even blameless, completely powerless. When they are in those high circles, being invited to those parties, etc.
I don't rub shoulders with millionaires, I don't party with influential people like that. But I'm sure Pao is the truly little person here.

BulbasaurusThe7th 12 points ago +12 / -0

And they claim to be the good people? I'm sorry, but everyone who claims to be a fighter for muh equal rights or muh feminist or some bullshit like that because grown ass adults dislike jokes or common sayings, but ignores small innocent children being raped (aka real, actual harm happening to people) because she wants to be part of the inner circle deserves everything bad that can happen to them.

I'm not an activist. I'm not socjus, I don't claim to stand up for anyone. But this is ridiculous. You don't just let it go on.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm sure you can prove the results of it. I can't see it, I don't see it on the shopping habits of anyone I know. I also don't see people's general health being better since the introduction of it.
Again, I am against a nanny state trying to punish people and basically soft ban things. Either leave us alone OR try proper banning and see the reactions.

There is proof of promiscuity being bad for you. I want to soft punish people for it. Same for using computers/pones too much. Coffee and tea? Makeup and plastic surgery! International travel can be dangerous too. Pets in general, especially dogs and among those certain breeds. Extreme sports.
Can we fuck with everyone please? Life is deadly after all.

First of all, "free" healthcare is NOT free. A huge chunk of every paycheck I get goes to the government as a tax. To me it absolutely fucking isn't free. Maybe it is free for the illegals and welfare queens, but I sure as hell pay for it, even though I am healthy at this point in my life.

Define urgent. A heart issue you know is there, but you don't know what it is exactly and how bad it is should be considered urgent. Things causing you debilitating pain, limiting your movement, stopping you from living a full life (working, doing shit in your free time, playing with your kids, driving, etc.) should be urgent.
And it isn't. Is that whining to you? Because have never had to experience it, your state deteriorating very fast while you still have weeks to your surgery or treatment.
Let me guess, it's not urgent if I'm not bleeding out right now.

I am not going to dig around in your pocket, but I sure as hell wouldn't expect US taxpayers to pay for my health issues. Just like I did not do it living in Sweden, when I needed dental care. It was a fuckton of money, but at the same time I wasn't a taxpaying Swedish citizen.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

You are correct. My sinus infection was no biggie, they checked me out and I was out of there.

Here specifically things like replacing a joint is fucking long, though. You know, grandma needs a hip joint replaced? Come back next year, bye. By then the other leg she uses to kind of make up for the bad one will also be fucked. Thanks.
My sister had that with her ankle. It got twisted, couldn't snap back into place and turns out, some of the ligaments were ripped a bit. She had to wait a few hours when you could see she was fucked. Then the doc called in a bunch of med students to see how to put it back in place, which he FAILED, but he kept trying to show the kiddos. By the time my sister was almost passing out she very firmly told him to fucking stop, because the issue felt like it was bigger than just snapping the ankle back in place.

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +4 / -0

Exactly! I can totally understand that I will never live in a 0% tax country, I don't even want that. But here in Europe we are taxed so much that it feels like I am not allowed to take responsibility for my own needs because "just hand in all your money and we totally promise we will get you shit".
Not everyone is like this, which again, I understand. But at the same time being taxed out of my arse to pay for services nowhere near as good as they are claimed to be is just laughable.

Like the other commenter saying junk food needs to be taxed so people can be healthy. That's just one step above banning things he considers unhealthy.
What I am more for is letting people make choices, but then making them have to deal with the consequences, instead of trying to save people from themselves with these soft bannings and such.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

Plus for every one of those I could find you someone who wasn't cared for properly by the free healthcare providers, either they had to wait too long, they weren't treated carefully enough (ignored, not everything done for them), complications coming from cutting corners, etc.
My mother's friend was pretty young when she got breast cancer. She could clearly feel a lump, but the doctor told her she is wasting time and money that could be used on people who "really have cancer".

BulbasaurusThe7th 21 points ago +21 / -0

Any sufficiently high tax is indistinguishable from magic.

BulbasaurusThe7th 17 points ago +18 / -1

Just pay more taxes on everything you do or own, that will solve it, I'm sure. /s

BulbasaurusThe7th 20 points ago +21 / -1

You think here people are healthier? There are taxes on junk food, and everything else (my 10-pound dog has a tax on her and it earns you nothing, I have to pay for medical care, vaccination, chip, everything).
But that doesn't change anything. People still eat like shit, it just costs more. People still don't go to regular checkups. They money procured through putting extra tax on crisps and soda are, in theory, for medical stuff, but you don't see any of that as it's lost in the budget.
Another thing is, companies make their products shittier to avoid tax. I don't drink energy drinks because I don't care for them, but since they introduced this tax energy drinks became lower in the very things that make them ENERGY drinks. They didn't become cheaper, no. Just shittier.

This did not stop ANYONE from eating certain things.

Our experiences are very different. Have you ever tried waiting a week with a tooth that hurt like fuck, even though you paid out of your high as fuck taxes for medical care?
My ex-coworker has to wait months with spinal issues that made him miss work because he couldn't get out of bed. My late grandpa was losing his sight and he would have had to wait months to deteriorate further if he didn't pay. A family member has hearth issues, her dad died of a heart attack. She could feel something was wrong. Her appointment for a full cardiology checkup? In a couple months.

I also work in a healthcare-adjacent field, both for private and government funded doctors. I do see the difference. Not saying all gov ones such, but if you need something elaborate, you WILL have to go to private because they government only provides the basics and that's it. They won't go fancy on your ass.

BulbasaurusThe7th 39 points ago +41 / -2

Free healthcare!
Oh, my surgery? It's next year. Until then I am crippled by pain. :D

Once I tried to explain to someone online that here in Europe you still pay for private medical care if you want the best or you want your care to happen at a reasonable time.
He told me it's still good and paying is just "last resort". You wait months when you are in debilitating pain.

BulbasaurusThe7th 5 points ago +5 / -0

Have you heard about Benjanun Sriduangkaew? I am a giant fantasy lit whore, so I kind of love that one.
Basically she is Chinese, but lives in Thailand. Some rich family's daughter, managed a hotel for her family, but because she didn't give a fuck about some cleaning agents she managed to poison and kill some people at the hotel. So far it's not that interesting.
But. She made some blog back a few years ago under the name RequiresHate/Winterfox, where she kept bullying, harassing, ruining the careers of new SFF authors under the guise of being a reviewer or something. Real brutal stuff. There is a history of her specifically targeting black people, women and such. Some I'm pretty sure completely quit writing, I think there were some who tried suicide even.
Bitch got unmasked, though. Disappeared for some time, but recently she's been back, published in those diverse shitty short story collections and such. She is being pushed like she did nothing wrong, is friends with a bunch of usual suspect tranny crazies.
I just heard it today that supposedly because of the whole meetoo and cancel thing now the bitch is getting bold and is planning with her friends to throw accusations at proper actual known authors Scott Lynch and Elizabeth Bear. I'm excited about this now.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

Right? It's so insane to watch! Same with genderweird tranny enby whatever dudes. Their act would be deemed super sexist if it was done by a normal guy, but because they are so loud about it we have to celebrate.

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +13 / -0

Virtual hugs to you, good sir. If you are ever in Hungary you are my guest for a beer/gulyás/cake/whatever.

Anyone who wants to defund the police have something to hide. Every single fucker. The low levels probably just doing drugs or stealing some eyeliner from Target. The higher level... Yeah.

BulbasaurusThe7th 12 points ago +14 / -2

Look her up. People claim it's real because she keeps doing it, but there were instances of her breaking character. Now I'm not saying she is not trash, she is, nobody normal wants to be seen as this stupid without being at least a bit... touched.
But it's internet bullshit.

Honestly, if you need info on lolcows and these weird characters just ask me. My soul is pretty much completely ruined by being obsessed with finding out about weird internet culture shit. Way back on the OG The Don someone posted a photo of this fat weeby-looking homo commie LARPing weirdo. I had to tell them about him, because I knew about him.
Knowledge is power.

BulbasaurusThe7th 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, I am just saying this because shit like these orgz raping the people they claim to help in absolute third world shitholes keeps getting uncovered.

BulbasaurusThe7th 26 points ago +27 / -1

This is Woah Vicky. She is this retarded internet celeb who claims to be black and plays this ridiculous character. It's not actual BLM or an actual person, she is some weird outrage celeb, it's like Trisha Paytas or something. Been doing this screaming, inarticulate ghetto trash character for years.

BulbasaurusThe7th 16 points ago +16 / -0

On a completely unrelated note, there are those cooking websites where you type in the ingredients you already have at home and it shows you the recipes you can cook.

BulbasaurusThe7th 23 points ago +23 / -0

Right? Who the fucking hell looks at child porn to own someone else? Like fuck that, I don't even want to think of the fact it exists!
So there is no way for them to be good people. None. Either they already have that shit and that makes them despicable, sick human shit. Or they specifically looked for it to fuck with someone who disagrees with them, which makes them despicable, sick human shit.

BulbasaurusThe7th 37 points ago +37 / -0

That's the opposite way around though. You make it sound like I caught a right wing person doing something and I'm just saying nope. Meanwhile the situation is the left has been trying to silence us for years now.
To Muh Both Sides us now would be extremely funny, after the proven, obvious, documented, years long crusades by the left, from journo cucks to uppity office waifus.

BulbasaurusThe7th 57 points ago +57 / -0

It's ridiculous to play "both sides" now. It's not the right posting child porn.

BulbasaurusThe7th 5 points ago +5 / -0

They do this because some of them are too fucking lazy to actually go on those peacekeeping missions and charity tours to rape third world children. They figured they can convince us Western people to let them rape our kids.

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