well #not all women, that is why.
Uh oh, it seems like its
Election year : [ ]
Not an election year: ✔️✔️
in a year or two the dems will be back to funding them again 🙌
You could try wearing a 'trumpf isnt a nazi" shirt at a shitlib rally
I take a shower anytime I see a modpost just to be sure.
sus naming, lmao
cheap chemicals from powerplants in ouah wata? heckorinos yeah boi - shitboomers
imagine thinking reddit isnt 100% astroturfers lmao
“Every day in the Police Department, I kicked those crackers’ ass.” The comments were first reported by the New York Daily News, which obtained a video of the remarks.
Democrats being racists, name a better combo
theyre coming for our atheists!!!!
and also lol Amy Schumer's gone. not swardson!!
geralt had a peepee a long time ago... now, he is soy of francisco
no, thats cali?
are you going to tell me they cast treebeard as leslie jones without an outfit on?
nah, thats like lefties who say that all conservatives are far right. i dont think all of them support trannies
Did terfs ever ask for equality more than having separate leagues? Source plz
As if the terfs were pro cancel before... dont spread bs lol
they didn't cause the truckers to protest, but they get stuck with the shit end of the stick.
Protesting for freedom sometimes will suck, gosh it would be better with no freedoms at all. ^commenter above
they arent blocked from working there.
police defend rallies, that IS 'anything but that"/
unlawful acts, including harassment, mischief and noise
TFW ottawa's cops are so far out of traffic tickets to enforce that they are employing tumblr warriors who's punished crime is LITERALLY SHAKING lmfao
everyimte I tell a futa to suck dicks (wozenski) they think im being rude. its literally in the name, futas suck dick
all of the 'competitors' rely on more code to increasingly datamine you. so theyre not "better" than YT in the freedom sense.
which n word was he accused of saying?
damn r kelly just got brutally rekt
We do know your name, Jeff. Welcome to the nerd club. Where women are real. They can be yours if you give up all your waifus. and a Dollar