Please, let's not forget one of the Largest issues facing the USA:
Over 50% of the population is a FAT LAND-WHALE LAZY PIECE OF SHIT. Asking for more free money. As your life savings are inflated away to nothing. And they get fatter eating fast food and demanding free healthcare.
Maybe the progressives are correct. Maybe we all deserve to be enslaved in work camps.
The promotion of a grain-heavy diet is going to be the death of humanity. You know why we feed livestock heavy amounts of grain? Because it fattens them up!
But AIDS, syph, opioid ODs are fine, just fine, and not clogging up anything.
Please, let's not forget one of the Largest issues facing the USA:
Over 50% of the population is a FAT LAND-WHALE LAZY PIECE OF SHIT. Asking for more free money. As your life savings are inflated away to nothing. And they get fatter eating fast food and demanding free healthcare.
Maybe the progressives are correct. Maybe we all deserve to be enslaved in work camps.
The promotion of a grain-heavy diet is going to be the death of humanity. You know why we feed livestock heavy amounts of grain? Because it fattens them up!
sus naming, lmao