Benevolentdictator 9 points ago +9 / -0

Internet Historian did a great backgrounder years back on the soyboy who organized the failed campaign.

Benevolentdictator 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trudeau only has a year left in power.

The problem is that he's going to be replaced by the Canuck equivalent of Lindsay Graham.

Benevolentdictator 12 points ago +12 / -0

Weimar Germany was the pre-Nazi environment between the two World Wars while the defeated country was under heavy economic sanctions while trying to rebuild.

The oppressive conditions led to a society embracing perverse practices such as transgender experimentation and widespread prostitution.

Benevolentdictator 3 points ago +3 / -0

But did you know that she likes cooking her family dinner on Sundays?

And she grew up in a middle class lifestyle?

Benevolentdictator 9 points ago +9 / -0

Let's all hope our next Fuhrer isn't French Canadian.

Although a Newfie fascist leader would be adorable.

Benevolentdictator 7 points ago +7 / -0

I saw mention that the cuts left the company employing 3 people.

Presumably with the last man being the owner.

Benevolentdictator 8 points ago +8 / -0

Their Twitter account looks dead. But they were retweeting other users with Pride logos.

Benevolentdictator 12 points ago +12 / -0

Not sure why this is just being reported now. Layoffs occurred in Jan 2024.

Canadian union brought Labour Board complaints at the time. But the link in the article suggests no new updates or resolution since Jan.

Cursory search suggests the company was formed in 2013 and is based out of London, ON. They seem to port console games instead of making new IP.

Benevolentdictator 9 points ago +10 / -1

In the mental health world, a woman entering the an exam room with brightly colored hair is essentially a diagnosis of Bipolar disorder without any further evaluation needed.

Or at least it was before full blown Clown World.

Benevolentdictator 5 points ago +5 / -0

The Dominican Republic supplies the vast majority of the US' foreign born professional baseball players.

I believe Haiti has produced one, if that.

Benevolentdictator 16 points ago +16 / -0

The "50% Ukrainian women in brothels" headline is obscure to me.

Ukrainian "refugees" make up 50% of whores in their new country?

50% of remaining Ukrainian domestic women do sex work?

Troons make up the other half of Ukrainian bordellos?

Benevolentdictator 1 point ago +1 / -0

I read the statement on Matt's website but didn’t watch his usual Sunday livestream (caught the latter half of his emergency Wed broadcast when the story broke as well).

Has Matt mentioned whether he's obtained legal counsel yet to advise him on the public statements he's making?

On his emergency stream last Wed, I heard him admit that he was an active member of the Tenet Discord mentioned in the indictment but stated that he "had nothing to hide" based on his message history there.

Benevolentdictator 2 points ago +2 / -0

I originally learned of Viva Frei's existence when Matt had David on his show as a "legal expert".

I will never forgive Skragg for that crime.

Benevolentdictator -5 points ago +3 / -8

I haven't looked at the KF thread.

I think a lot of people don't want to do the work of reading the source material and prefer to fall within their dismissive preconceived heuristics ("DOJ bad", "Da Joos", etc)

Benevolentdictator -7 points ago +1 / -8

I'm guilty about opining and following the story so much over the last couple of days without having read the entire source material.

After having reviewed the indictment in its entirety, it creates a damning and different picture if the allegations as claimed are true.

Benevolentdictator -2 points ago +2 / -4

That's my take on things as well, taking the indictment at face value.

There's no doubt Chen and her husband knew halfway through that their backers were Russian. They may not have known specifically that they were Russian FSB or RT, but they knew they were Russian nationals at the very least. At one point, the staffers from the "Belgian" billionaire explicitly told Chen that an entire Russian support team was being brought on in parallel to Chen's US operation.

Rubin and Pool were initially uneasy about where the money was coming from but never actually suspected Russian ties, at least openly. They seemed to be blinded in the end by the easy money offers.

I think it also came down to money for Chen and husband as well. Chen and Liam had deeper ties working for RT as far back as 2021 than I had previously realized.

Chen and her husband were initially paid 16k to negotiate with Pool and Rubin. They also received an undisclosed percentage as a Finder's fee for their exorbitant 400k/month in salaries. She was also making 8k month during the negotiation period.

Around the same time as Chen and Donovan started openly acknowledging that their contacts were Russian, their monthly salary was bumped up to 25k (unclear if individual or combined) after Tenet publicly launched.

It's also madness how many shell companies were involved. They did business with shell companies out of the Czech Republic, Hungary, the UK, Mauritius all in the same year for essentially the same services.

Benevolentdictator -3 points ago +4 / -7

Something I learned last night on a more in-depth review of the DOJ indictment was that Chen allegedly gave her Russian contacts unfettered access to the Tenet Twitter account to post any viral clips they wanted unvetted.

Knowing by this time that her contacts were Russian because her handlers had explicitly stated that they were bringing in Russian editing and production staff while still pretending their ultimate financier was a Belgian/Armenian national out of Paris.

Benevolentdictator 7 points ago +7 / -0

She was never going to win an open primary.

The idea though was that she was going to be installed similar to Kamala if the Dems were able to disqualify Trump through lawfare.

Benevolentdictator 2 points ago +2 / -0

I happened to catch his farewell episode on the LE this week. He also had an interview with Dan Wootton discussing it in more detail.

Apparently it's been in the works since he was fired from GB News. An American church contacted him shortly thereafter asking if he would lead them.

He gave reasoning that there are not enough "'soldiers" currently in Britain to fight the evil. He also claimed several times that he fears for his personal safety as the UK media has essentially declared a fatwa against him.

He did allude that he was thinking of returning in 5 years to run for public office. But five years is a long time from now.

Benevolentdictator 3 points ago +3 / -0

Off topic, but how do you feel about Calvin Robinson leaving the LE to flee to a parish in the US?

I suppose that indicates he's jabbed as well.

Benevolentdictator 6 points ago +6 / -0

I haven't seen any specific reporting on what Tenet was actually compensating Matt.

But if the lump sump reported in seed money was 10 million. And Pool and Rubin were each promised ~ 5 mil/yr. I saw another report that Chen and her husband were paid around 760k.

Adding these numbers together, there’s very little left to pay Commentators 3 through 6.

TL;DR - Christiansen likely had no cause to be suspicious because they offered him so little compared to Pool & Rubin.

Benevolentdictator 1 point ago +1 / -0

While trying to find background on Liam Donovan (who doesn't have much of an Internet footprint), I came across other non-Kim Iversen sources claiming the indictment specifically mentions Chen & Donovan openly referring to "the Russians".

Fwiw, I like Chen and don't really care that much about Russian funding.

The case does really hinge though, in the court of public opinion at least, if she knowingly and surreptitiously accepted Russian monies.

Benevolentdictator 2 points ago +2 / -0

I really know nothing about her husband Liam Donovan.

All I know is that they were living in either Cornwall, Ontario or Hudson, Quebec during the start of the pandemic. She was still in Canada when Trudeau won his last election in Sept 2021.

She then moved to Nashville afterwards claiming COVID restrictions as the reason.

This indicates that she and her husband are both jabbed because it's a requirement for obtaining a visa.

Immigration from Canada to the US is still visa based. You generally need a spouse or an employer to sponsor you.

It seems though that YTubers have it easier to get approved. Viva Frei got a three year visa to be a self-employed streamer moving from Quebec to Florida in 2022. He too was jabbed.

IIRC, Chen talked about her own move to Nashville in 2022 in permanent terms.

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