Abramsrunner 7 points ago +7 / -0

There is a mission of a cult of man hating women you clear out, pretty sure my friends and I overheard one of the women say "I'm going to cut your balls off"

Abramsrunner 13 points ago +14 / -1

You can also blow the head off of nonces, traffickers, methheads, and "youths" from 10 yards with a shotgun, I'd say its pretty good.

Abramsrunner 6 points ago +6 / -0

The thing that I hate the most about Chaos Gate is that its only Nurgle, they blue ball me with Bloodletters at the start, I get to play with daemon slaying Gray Knights then I ONLY get to purge Nurgle.

Space Marine 2, bet its going to be front loaded with nids then its going to whiplash me with fecking Nurgle again.

I liked Chaos Gate, couldn't finish it due to Nurgle fatigue, and being disappointed there wasn't at least some Khorne red bois to banish back to the warp.

Abramsrunner 11 points ago +11 / -0

Ask them "How would you have felt had you not eaten breakfast yesterday morning?"