6363488 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hadn't heard of this yet and I live in France (but not French myself)

Anyone know what this guy's policies are w.r.t. covid tyranny? Only reference I found is that he criticised the covid pass as it was "a distraction from the much larger immigration problem". That's not in any way close to the needed total rejection of this tyranny and persecution of every petty tyrant involved.

6363488 2 points ago +2 / -0

Historically I'd say because macs long have been the only computers with good screen, keyboard and trackpad. Comparatively even expensive windows laptops used to have trash keyboards and trackpads even if they did offer better specs. In recent years only things like dell xps come close and those not really much cheaper. It's also the only brand that seems to allow one to configure a damn qwerty keyboard in Europe.

Currently, comparing the price for the macs with something like an xps, the m1 macs don't seem to be that bad a deal at all. If I could fully run Linux on one I'd have it on my shortlist

6363488 16 points ago +16 / -0

If the Democrats/deep state get away with stealing this election this blatantly and the media is this controlled... There will never be fair elections again.

6363488 2 points ago +3 / -1

This is silly: yes, masks are dumb, and the guy may be a hero, but what do these two have to do with each other? In what way do this guy's military exploits affect whether or not he's exempt from an airline's policies?

6363488 2 points ago +2 / -0

How so? Women are already losing out to 'women' and the religion of peace. This will not end well for western women at all.

6363488 12 points ago +12 / -0

Recent? I can't remember a time when shows weren't pushing a leftist agenda. They've just gotten a lot more blatant.