I see the SJW retards over at r television are jerking themselves pretty hard over the new character "Stormfront*" being a Trumpesque Nazi. I was planning to wait until the season ended to watch, but if it's just another show telling me how terrible I am, I'll throw it on the ever growing mountain of trash TV.
- I'm pretty sure nuclear bomb would be more subtle.
Kinda, not really. This is what they were going for, but she ends up being the embodiment of the left. The hatred, racism, sexism, power trips are quintessential left. I haven't see the season 2 "making of" featurette, but I've read that it's virtual signalling, circlejerking, and anti-Trump hatred that has nothing to do with the show.
The Boys actually comes off more conservative because it shows us how the left would behave with that kind of power. They have backing from the large institutions and media and The Boys are the ones trying to stop them while being unable to expose how bad these "heroes" and their manufactured wars and incidents are.
Basically, any TV show or movie supervillian is Trump to the hate-filled smooth-brains. Any. Pick one. They will say that's Trump.
Yeah, I'm having a hard time telling what their intention was with certain things. I know the showrunners are a bunch of progressive idiots, but some stuff this season that I suspect is supposed to be "social commentary" is coming off as funny instead of deep.
I've also seen more than a few people online comparing Stormfront to "white feminists" rather than Trump or the alt-right, which I also find hilarious.
Remember for the show Stormfront's hometown as Portland ?
Leftists always project.
Well the show is telling you a few things outright: Patriots are bad people, America is racist, Christianity/Religion can only be a con.
There's also the actual story which is kinda entertaining, and a few likable characters. But S2 is way less fun than S1.
Really? Maybe I'm taking it less seriously this season, but my wife and I are laughing our asses off at it.
The jokes / jabs at feminism and woke shit are funny. And when they try and depict alt-right stuff, I just imagine a flashing sign saying "THIS IS WHAT LIBERALS ACTUALLY BELIEVE".
For example, they actually believe all of the right-wing memes are made by a small group of people working out of a basement somewhere. They cannot fathom that there's a huge pool of smart, creative people that fucking detest their puritanical bullshit.
they went full retard when they turned Billy butcher into a pining cuckold.
The second season is less fun than the first. Hughey and Starlight act like teenage drama queens, Butcher is a pathetic cuck, Stormfront is a lame caricature of a racist, and The Deep is no longer a compelling punchline.
Homelander, on the other hand, continues to rescue the show. He's one of the most menacing television characters in recent memory. He radiates pure danger every moment he's on screen. It's honestly mesmerizing, and the only reason I'm still watching.
Even Homelander is a pathetic caricature. His entire premise is petulant child who wants his mommy and was never told no. That's not danger, strip away the powers and you have a 3 year old toddler.
Which is the whole point of the show. Everyone has their downsides. Some more than others.
People who see The Boys as left vs right, it's not.
It's about the flip from protectorate to dictator. The power creep from elected to fascist. The advancement of excessive authoritarianism in a who Watches the Watchmen manner. It doesn't ascribe authoritarianism to just left or right, or the stereotypical traits of either. It applies it as a trait in itself.
Whinelander is authoritarian in a mommy's favorite, original child manner.
Stormfront is not there yet, but does have species ism behaviour (norm vs supe).
Hughie is a fish out of water trope, and is meant to be an anchor to reality. He is willing to stand up but lacks the power to do it.
Starlight is his pure inverse. Has the power stand up, but is lacking the will to actually do it.
The Deep, just feels like they put him there as an easy punchbag to bring out when needed. Even with the church he is a punchbag, still doing the same self humiliation to be part of a group.
Butcher is far from a pathetic cuck, though he has his moments. He wants his wife back, but was unwilling to take the illegitimate too without much haranguing.
There's a reason his pet is a bulldog. He is possessive. It's his wife, it's his dog, it's his cause, it's his hughie. He also doesn't roll over and let other people take it, he simply had his I'm done moment, no different to Hughie.
Just kidding. I actually am a homo so I can say that. BTW, I agree with you, Homelander is pretty much an insane demigod. When his eyes light up it is weirdly scary. That was a great scene with Stormfront last week.
It was already feminist murder porn. A guy literally gets raped to death.
Are you talking about "Translucent"?
He was a creepy and evil douchebag.
Could means Popclaw's landlord.
I never watched the show, just saw a clip on Reddit KiA2. I canceled my Prime over it.
It was probably one of my most controversial comments, even people here disagreed.
Yeah, you probably should have seen it in context. They weren't doing it to make a statement or or be sadistic.
Let me know when they rape a woman to death for being a bitch
You know you look dumb talking about show you haven’t watched, right? But it’s really obvious you just went looking for some reason to be outraged and some random YouTuber gave it to you.
Meh. EntilZha has a point, but you're not wrong either.
Watching the scene where a female superhuman sits on a dude's face, with his consent, to get off and accidentally crushes his skull between her legs didn't really come off as vindictive; however, you're right that they wouldn't do the same with the sexes reversed.
Stormfront portrays herself as a modern left wing feminist, but it's only to hide her true monstrous nature.
That of a modern left wing feminist.
Sorry, couldn't let that pass :P
I suppose it is redundant.
yes I gave up with episode 4 if season 2. This was the last program i was left watching on Tv. Too many sly anti white digs in episode 4. I now watch no TV.
So far, no. Their Stormfront character is racist but there's no connection drawn between her and real world politics. Plus those who didn't see it coming got pretty riled up since she spends the first few episodes being the "relatable leftie".
It's hilarious that she's "super racist" but the worst thing they can bring her to say is shit like "stupid asians" or "black people" (while murdering said asians and black people).
Using the N-word is an extra level of evil, I guess. Which, considering all of the gore, sexual assault, violence, etc, is extremely fucking funny.
Well, let's see, it's about phony, artificially-created "heroes", pushed and promoted by media and big business alike (like Hollywood "celebrities"), who each are the embodiment of horrible in some way, and who will corrupt any newbie simply by their corrosiveness, and the nature of their business ....
Look, they can have a white woman stomping around delivering lines that would make "Isla the She-Wolf" laugh her ass off for the cheese of it, but they really can't hide that they're basically smearing themselves in our faces with this.
So far I don't think so and I've gotten unfortunately sensitive to this stuff.
Stormfront is revealed to be a racist but she is snidely whiplash about it as in "lets kill black people for no reason, muhahaha". There is very tenuous plot tie in but mostly its just a "look at this bad racist, be outraged!" thing, doesn't take up much real estate, yet.
The whole premise of the show is Butcher's oneitis for his wife but he does refuse to totally cuck out and doesn't openly accept her bastard half supe child.
Unless they get too ridiculous in the race thing, or give too much screentime to The Deep whose storyline is wholly uninteresting, I'll keep watching.
OK, tonight's episode made up for last week's depression session. "Laser my tits!" For the moment Homelander has a play buddy as into pain as he is. She will of course destroy him at some point in the future but for the moment he's happy.
I'm not sure what to make of Black Noir. Three IEDs and he's still walking? What the fuck is he? The beta-cuck still looks like a mega energy vampire.
A lot of the stuff from the comics is starting to be referenced in various ways I'm finding interesting.
Was genuinely concerned when Terror showed up but loved they actually had Butcher give him the "Fuck it" command as he does in the comics a few times.
Also The Female/Kimiko using her trademark comic move of literally tearing someone's face off was a nice if gruesome nod.
As for Black Noir? Well his comic origin makes sense how he can take so much but with how a few things have been changed already I'm not entirely sure how they'd pull off the same twists unless they go for a warped classical Greek tale.
The show is pretty much left wing circle jerk. Men are weak, evil, patriarchal, corrupt, racist and of course there is white supremacy.
Last week's episode also had tons of beta-cuke/super chick character development dialog which did nothing to move the plot on (but was probably cheap to produce). The beta-cuke, who appears to have been slated to become a super villein became even more beta-cuck than before. It also had a Jim Crow era murder of an innocent poc. To be honest, the show does seem to always have a couple of minutes an episode of "I can't believe they just did that" greatness but you have to wade through the rest. My partner who is rather more liberal than myself kept muttering "filler episode" and hitting the fast forward button.
No. If you liked season 1, you'll like season 2 - and that is very rare.
Remember the show is based off of a cringey comic book. Stormfront was just a nazi guy with a bad haircut, now Stormfront is a superpowered dangerhair.
If you're identifying with any character in this show, it's probably not for you.
Hm, I dunno regarding the woke aspect. It is showing in places.
MM literally uses the phrase "standing on his neck" when telling the story of his father against Vought in episode 4.
The majority of Show!Stormfront's racism has been towards black characters in the two episodes it it shown.
She wipes out a building killing 59 people when chasing the TKer. Then there's the flashback from episode 4.
Both of them are heavily playing on topical racial tensions.
Remember she's named for the comic character she's based off, gender bent as the character is. The in universe PR angle is the name comes from the electric powers. The meta angle is that it's a very obvious tongue in cheek nom De plume of a literal nazi.
The comic version of Stormfront was the literal Ubermensch created by the Nazis in WW2 brought over by Vought in some Operation Paperclip moment, which may still be used as part of the origin story given the timelines the show is using but would leave the other part connected with the 7 as next to impossible.
It is possible the heavy diversity inclusion angle brought up in ep4 WA done for satire such as the interview involving Homelander as well as all the "Girls get it done" slogan pushing by the PR group in the show, but then it may have also only really been done to give Showfront a relatable angle for woke viewers, before they get the nazi twist thrown at them full force.
He was wearing a Black Panthers shirt in that scene, as well.
kinda more spoilery than I would have liked....but we all know thanks to conditioning they see nazis and immediately think "Trump".
Wonder what would happen if they watched The Man in the High Castle.
Thank god someone else feels this way. I've seen quite a few shows get declared "woke garbage" that when I saw them I was like "errrr not really", or the woke level was very low.
Yes, because Bezos Prime has absolutely no woke shows at all.
/Amazon has deposited $5 in your gift card balance.
It's not retarded to pre-emptively dismiss things as woke. It's worse to have funded an enemy than miss out on a show/movie/game.
I understand your point, but there are times the sieve is too fine and you miss something good. I thought Bill and Ted's latest was going to be woke shit but it turned out to be clever and pretty damned funny.