"hurr durr what about things that have no direct translation"
People who think like this are the same people who think translating every instance of "-san" to Mr./Ms. is acceptable, as if high school students go around addressing their fellow students in the exact same manner as their teachers.
At this point I really just want the translators to list the honorific verbatim and stop trying to localize it. Anyone with half a brain will figure it out and those who can't aren't worth accommodating to begin with.
All of us who watched the original Higurashi figured out what the fuck "-chama" was from basic context clues and that should be the barest expectation of anyone watching foreign media.
Heck I remember when Persona 3 was still this sleeper cult classic in the making and the fact that the English dub kept all the honorifics in was considered a huge plus in its favor.
People who think like this are the same people who think translating every instance of "-san" to Mr./Ms. is acceptable, as if high school students go around addressing their fellow students in the exact same manner as their teachers.
At this point I really just want the translators to list the honorific verbatim and stop trying to localize it. Anyone with half a brain will figure it out and those who can't aren't worth accommodating to begin with.
All of us who watched the original Higurashi figured out what the fuck "-chama" was from basic context clues and that should be the barest expectation of anyone watching foreign media.
Heck I remember when Persona 3 was still this sleeper cult classic in the making and the fact that the English dub kept all the honorifics in was considered a huge plus in its favor.
Well what do you and the other grade 10s call each other then? :)
Honestly, it was some variation of faggot, gayboy, and other loving terms of endearment boys that age use.