Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?
It is counterrevolutionary to imply that individuals possess different endowments that would render one member of the proletariat fairer than another. Comrade mirrors! We must all crack in unison when this bourgeoisie bitch looks at us. Obviously we can't condone the concept of luck, but the result will be the perfect expression of of Socialist Realism!
Hollywood's been that way for decades now. Dropping $30M on a garbage movie that "pushes the mantra" is a small price to pay. Mostly other people's money, of course.
It's always the (((White))) villain.
Snow White parody music 1
They made 2
Still roasting marshmallow over that dumpster fire 3
Omg that's just priceless!
Someone has to be paying for this insanity. To promote something knowing it's going to fail means there was another reason to do it.
Hollywood's been that way for decades now. Dropping $30M on a garbage movie that "pushes the mantra" is a small price to pay. Mostly other people's money, of course.
I mean yeah, you do the dumb shows to make the smart shows you want to make. This movie was $300 Million plus promotional everything.
The Producers?
I posted about this yesterday. Snow Brown becomes a Socialist revolutionary, giving away her father's wealth. The queen then deletes herself.
He's joking, right?
Tell me he's joking, right!!
Nooooooo (not unexpected though) ooooo!
Dead dove inside do not eat
Ok, now this is getting entertaining