77 Why. Does. This. Keep. Happening? (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 6 days ago by Telia 6 days ago by Telia +85 / -8 27 comments download share 27 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
It's because jews got kicked out of Japan and were remembered only as a goblin called the tengu. Tengus look like this: 👺
Downvoters might think you're joking (and maybe upvoters too?) but certain japs and jews agree:
Tengu even have a phylactery on their forehead.
They were known for possessing women and speaking through their mouths, being the enemy of Buddhism, abducting kids and priests, and subverting the royalty. If there isn't a more exact description I don't know what there is.
To be fair, Jews like to act like everything is about them.
Haha bookmarked that's incredible. I need a version without the handrubbing rabbi memes to show normies.
I thought Japan was relatively isolated until just a few centuries ago. Something about the folklore timeline sounds off to me.
I thought it was the nigawarai.
Imagine being so annoying you inspire TWO fictional races of demons.
That's niggers