Knowing that non-whites won’t allow themselves to be conscripted, the real question is will pozzed western governments actually try to draft only native white men for a war against other white men? Because my money is on several native revolts.
Make citizenship require 2 full years of military service. No exceptions. Weed out the vermin & establish a sense of duty & attachment to newcomers.
Works for me.
Imagine drafting the chinks and the pajeets
Knowing that non-whites won’t allow themselves to be conscripted, the real question is will pozzed western governments actually try to draft only native white men for a war against other white men? Because my money is on several native revolts.
Canadians, revolt? They'll probably apologize for being graciously used as cannon fodder.
You know that ain't happening. It will be white dudes all the way down
Imagine drafting...Canadians.
Make citizenship require 2 full years of military service. No exceptions. Weed out the vermin & establish a sense of duty & attachment to newcomers.
Works for me.
You know they'll fill all the bullet catcher positions with Whites and give "migrants" safe support jobs.
Service guarantees citizenship? I’d like to know more!