Apparently Boris did go, but never told the Ukrainians not to sign the deal, they were already not going to sign the deal. Constantin looked up the video which supposedly stands as proof of this "Kremlin talking point" and because he could understand the Russian, apparently no such thing was said. But anyway
Not even half way in, and he's basically already said why I don't imagine we're actually going to get a cessation of hostilities.
When talking about what Ukraine will have to do to stop hostilities, Boris says they'll to come to the understanding that they'll have to give up the territories - TEMPORARILY - until they're strong enough to take them back.
So blatantly out in the open, from former British PM, we have full confirmation that whatever this is, will just be another Minsk agreement to buy Ukraine time to re-arm
I wouldn't trust Kisin's Russian translation.
He's essentially the British James Lindsay.
Yes and no. Lindsey is an autist who thinks that the pendulum is about to swing way off the charts, while Kissin has Russia Derangement Syndrome. I'm not aware that Lindsey has been doing any war-mongering.
That says, RDS is enough reason to not trust someone's translation.
I don't know what the fuck is going on with Kissin. I do know that his family was an elite family1 in the USSR and then forced into exile for political reasons. Why this is causing him to (of late) attack the 'woke right' as he calls it is unknown to me. Noticing that London is about two political terms away from falling to Islamic interests is toxic or something?
I agree with your analyses. Lindsey is utterly terrified of a Christian revival and that White Men will organize and decide that their opponents are neatly color coded, or something.
This is something that Jordan Peterson has also spoken about. JP points out that White Anglo Saxon Protestant men are the most effective group in the history of the world, and should they turn their goals to violence that the rest of the world will not stand a chance.
I don't think the fear is particularly realistic at this juncture, but it isn't my irrational fear.
I dont know if I would go that far. While he considers Russia to be an enemy of the West and Putin to be evil, he is also sane and rational enough to admit that it is time for peace and that Ukraine cant just keep throwing bodies away for the political goals of Western elites.
You can disagree with his assessment of Russia, but someone who was actually deranged (like many of said elites) would never admit that Ukraine should find a way to peace even if it means the loss of the Donbas.
That last part is your own assessment. I'm not giving Kissin credit for it. But yeah, after three years of a meatgrinder, he came to the conclusion that MAYBE this war can't go on forever. I guess a small amount of credit is due for that. Before that though, he was actively warmongering.
It might be because (I think) he said he has family in 'Ukraine', so his derangement is at least understandable.
I think it's an Overton Window thing. The average pro-Ukraine is so deranged that they make ordinarily deranged people look sane.
“Russian Derangement Syndrome”
Interesting rebrand for you. The Nulands of the world came about their anti-Russia obsession via a media-installed mental illness and not, you know, a longtime ethnic grievance.
How very interesting that an opinion I've held for 4 years is a... rebrand.
Wow, imagine you connecting this to your usual.