Tranny pulls gun on a preacher
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What's the deal with street preachers?
Is it like the Jehovah's that there's a sect of Christianity which compels its clergy to minister to secular normies in public?
How effective can this possibly be outside of some attention seeking or showmanship?
Its not really a "sect" thing, its in the Bible to go out into the world, streets included, and spread the Gospel to people, like the Apostles did.
See: Luke 14:23 and well, basically anything the Apostles and Jesus generally did and where they generally preached and taught, in the midst of the people in public spaces.
In terms of effectiveness, that's a difficult thing to say, but saving people isn't a numbers game, though obviously its better when more are saved. If even one person's soul is saved by it, it had value.
In some ways, that's kind of the point...
How many people do you think this random viral clip reached?
Obviously, not every street preacher will go viral, but that's the point of stepping out on faith.
I'm not sure if it's organized. I know they're generally fringe people, but I'm not sure if there's a fringe group behind them.
But, I agree, it doesn't seem particularly effective. Although if you can bait the right asshole you look good in comparison, which can be compelling. Just another lesson not to touch the shit, or to feed the trolls.
Sometimes it's literally this, but in attempting to 'raise awareness' about God. They feel like the targeted area needs someone to publicly advocate for Christianity, to reach people that otherwise wouldn't hear of or about it.
Answer this: Are you familiar with the feeding of the multitudes? Where bread and fish were split and fed thousands. He fed them because he had been preaching for hours. Was he in a synagogue or temple? No. Reaching people where THEY are is a core tenant of conversion and ministry.