Disgusting oppressing men, if they had allowed a womyn on the team, they wouldn't have made those phallic-standin paddles, and videogames would have actually become popular.
And don't get me started on the hostile white paddles and ball colonizing the defenseless Black field background.
Hes a KANG baby
That bald mustachiod high waisted prince has more testosterone running through his gangly body than you and 6 of your best friends if you had friends.
Hair loss is an indicator of dht which is what your body turns excess testosterone into. Also idk if he has three balls or not, but them pants make it seem likely.
OP is a karma farmer who spams Funny, Memes, Gaming, and any other board a post might be tangentially related to. Don't expect the posts to survive under scrutiny.
Please go take a long walk off a short pier. There's no point in trying to farm fake Internet points on CDW. If I find something that makes me laugh I like to share it so other people might laugh too. Take the stick out of your ass and you might not be such a miserable prick all the time.
Tennis for Two was created in 1958, 3 years earlier than the date on the meme. That's not relevant to the pic, but your fact isn't really relevant to the point of the joke either.
Disgusting oppressing men, if they had allowed a womyn on the team, they wouldn't have made those phallic-standin paddles, and videogames would have actually become popular.
And don't get me started on the hostile white paddles and ball colonizing the defenseless Black field background.
If Pong paddles are phallic-shaped, I don't know if I should be impressed or horrified
Hung like a tuna can bb
Got that girth though
Holy fuck look at the dude on the left.
They don't make em like they used to.
That's... not a bad thing sometimes.
Hes a KANG baby That bald mustachiod high waisted prince has more testosterone running through his gangly body than you and 6 of your best friends if you had friends.
Not with that receding hairline lol. And I'd wager he doesn't have three balls either.
Hair loss is an indicator of dht which is what your body turns excess testosterone into. Also idk if he has three balls or not, but them pants make it seem likely.
that's related to T
The anti hairloss meds fuck with your T
Let it recede, or shave it off.
How to tell people you fuck, without saying it.
Wrong date. Clothes are big clue
Ironically, the 60s was when mass shootings started ramping up a lot.
Lack of hats is also a big clue. Thanks, JFK.
Pong came out in 1972. Joke doesn't work.
OP is a karma farmer who spams Funny, Memes, Gaming, and any other board a post might be tangentially related to. Don't expect the posts to survive under scrutiny.
Please go take a long walk off a short pier. There's no point in trying to farm fake Internet points on CDW. If I find something that makes me laugh I like to share it so other people might laugh too. Take the stick out of your ass and you might not be such a miserable prick all the time.
Comment Reported for: Rule 3 - Harassment
This doesn't get to that level
Criticism is not harassment you ignoramus.
Tennis for Two was created in 1958, 3 years earlier than the date on the meme. That's not relevant to the pic, but your fact isn't really relevant to the point of the joke either.
I don't see a Donner Model 30 or an oscilloscope here.
Do you?
That attitude of constant hostility will make you very ugly later in life.
There's a portrait of me in the attic that becomes less hostile and prettier.
Nerds and geeks make the best games. Not corporate-directed slave chain gangs.