Here's my thesis, in the spirit of creators trying to send a message and missing what they actually communicated (Zootopia, Bugs Life, Watchmen, etc)
Snape should always have been black. His entire arc is being unaccountably nasty to splebody because of the actions of their ancestors that they had nothing to do with.
He is protected and enabled by the institution out of misguided pity and the belief that he HAS to be protected for the greater good, despite his objectionable nature. The Goods Guys MUST put up with his antisocial behaviors. And while he is opening curel and injust they are required to treat him as a legitimate authority figure.
His backstory even more so, he is driven primarily by his lust for a redehead. He fails to won her affections by being a horrible person, and becomes rageful and entitled when she choses someone else. He lashes out both at her and her legitimate romantic partner. Attempting to downplay Potter's achievements in comparision to his own non-achievements.
If nothing else, disgusting black lusting possesively over pure redhead is probably not the image they were going for but its absolutely the one they've creating
You're assuming one thing: Lilly potter will be a redhead. They'll make her brown, maybe Pakistani or some shit.
Most likely they’ll keep her a redhead and make Harry’s dad black or some kind of dune coon.
Don’t know why it’s impossible for studios to adhere to source material or to at least try
It’s a deliberate attack on white culture.
This. They have zero issue with keeping to source when it's an established grrlboss or minority lead. It's always one direction because they view established white characters as "problematic"
Humiliation rituals.
The Shire was turned into Da Hood.
"We wuz hobbits 'n sheeit! " "Gandalf the White wuz a racist KKK wizard muhfugga!" "Dem Orcs is all gud bois! Dey nebba hurt no one!"
Thankfully I refused to watch rings of power once they talked about “reflecting the world we live in”. They also fired the Tolkien scholar
I remember JK Rowling retconned a bunch of characters to be black years ago. So he probably officially has been at this point.
Yes people, especially the left, always forget how obnoxiously leftist she always was before trannies became the special group
Unbent that knee just ass soon as she became their target. Glad it did happen, though.
I guess... but they will portray him as a bullying victim of Harrys father only.
Also his dad (or both parents, can't remember) is a deadbeat alcoholic.
Forgot about that yeah. Even better
wdym, he has always been black: