So I'm watching a YouTube video of a guy going through and reviewing every episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark, the 90's Nickelodeon kids horror anthology show. It's a show I remember fondly from when I was a kid, and the review video is pretty great. But one thing seeing all these clips really jumps out at me. The sheer amount of racemixing couples that were in various episodes. I've seen like 5 or 6 black guy/White girl 'relationships' so far, and I'm only at season 2. It's the usual 'oooooo she has a crush' kid shit, but it's the amount of it that is jumping out at me now. 12yo me of course never noticed, but now that I'm seeing again, and knowing how rare it was in real life back then for White girls to date blacks, I can't help but suspect this sort of thing was included on purpose to normalize it, even decades before what we now see as the 'woke' era.
Can you think of any other examples of things that you didn't notice at the time, but looking back you realize they were attempts to push woke ideology long before it was known as such?
I just started watching it for the first time, and I am really enjoying it so far but there’s definitely a lot of dunking on silly “space racists” , diversity is our strength, being human first or Earth first is seen as a bad thing, we should all buddy up to these violent aliens for some reason, etc. I can see that Mass Effect borrowed a lot from it.
It hasn’t been bad enough to really piss me off yet, Garibaldi and Sheridan actually seem pretty based so I just chalk it up to well meaning 90’s Lolbertarianism rather than any kind of subversive faggotry.
I know Jerry Doyle was a Wall Street guy before B5 and a conservative radio host after B5. So Doyle himself was a lean right guy.
Doyle was also very unpopular on set, with the other cast shit talking him in interviews years after, before he died. The two things are likely connected.
I didn't know that. Thanks
Same thing with Tim Allen, James Caviezel, and Norm McDonald.