A lot of Russian emigrés have a massive chip on their shoulder about Putin/Russia. KK is extraordinarily obnoxious on the topic. As far as I know, he also doesn't have critics of empire on, while he does have strident critics of Israel on like Bassem Youssef and Norman Finkelstein.
An ethnically Russian Jew wants a Ukrainian Jew to remain in power??
Not only that, but apparently the son of a Russian oligarch who was removed from power when Putin took office.
He's the poster child for "conflict of interest."
Konstantly Kikin
A lot of Russian emigrés have a massive chip on their shoulder about Putin/Russia. KK is extraordinarily obnoxious on the topic. As far as I know, he also doesn't have critics of empire on, while he does have strident critics of Israel on like Bassem Youssef and Norman Finkelstein.