'Kingdom Come: Deliverance II' Features Graphic Depiction Of Child Sodomy
Kingdom Come: Deliverance II not only depicts a graphic scene of two individuals engaging in sodomy, but it’s now been discovered one of the individuals in question is a teenager.Fandom Pulse is a reader-supported publication.
You know the same people who will brush this aside as "well he isn't a minor right now" are the same who'd be frothing at the mouth that a short anime girl has the gall to say she is 24 when "clearly she is a child."
I have seen them do this to a real woman.
Small breasts = pedophilia, remember they made that a law in Australia.
Same, even when there's no age difference. I used to work with a dude that was about 6'4" who had a very slender wife who was barely five foot. The random dirty looks they would get in public were hilarious, especially when she was pregnant.
Because a faggot-Jew made it?
He was aged up in the previous game (and had the option to have quite a bit of sex in that too). So no, he is a fully fledged adult.
Someone else had to tell me this too.
yet if you did that with a fictional anime girl the sjws will complain that "you aged her up to lewd her" . Yet they will let this one slide with a real historical figure because its gay.
So they planned ahead for this. Good to know.
So the birth date in the substack article is wrong in current canon?
Its true to history, incorrect for the games.
This is a real historical figure that they're turning into a fag then?
Well knock me over with a feather, the Jews are gaying up another person from history
How can a womanizer be gay? The previous game all he did was chase wenches and go hunting
Unless they're horseshoeing back to being based and telling us sexual orientation is a myth. You're either in a healthy male-female relationship for procreation or you're a degenerate.
Or Hans was on the down low and overcompensating.
to be fair, promiscuity is fag behavior
Not always the case but it is the pipeline the tranny lifestyle
You can take one look at Hans Capon, even in the first game, and easily tell he's not being depicted as a 15 year old.
I know right. I always thought he was in his 20s and part of the scandal was they were delaying his ascension to the fiefdom. Emotionally immature
This whole story is as fake as when antifa guys start saying "the pigs were using chemical weapons on us" when they get tear gassed at a riot. Just totally hysterical shit being thrown out because some morons developed a bizarre grudge and can't handle the game turning out to be successful despite their best efforts. There's not a single bit of honest criticism coming from these clowns.
Jeez KCD2!!! Fuck game is digging down deeper into its own grave
So if you buy this game you're technically buying child sexual exploitation media. AKA kiddie porn.
Æ sir on finnish likeness. Takr finnish ölanguahe keyboard and lefft finger for ä then its called Æsir
Æsir is norvwgian now thwy are uselsss ro me