The value of any hierarchy appears to diminish in direct proportion to the number of women participating in it. Probably because special rules must be created to enable women to compete in most hierarchies, and those rules almost inevitably undermine the very purpose of the hierarchy.
I couldn't be more glad I got out when I had the chance.
Same. It was already a feminist pandering shitshow when I got out, couldn’t imagine how much worse the past decade has been.
The value of any hierarchy appears to diminish in direct proportion to the number of women participating in it. Probably because special rules must be created to enable women to compete in most hierarchies, and those rules almost inevitably undermine the very purpose of the hierarchy.
I got out in 04. Before the insanity started
Yeah I got out in 05. Worst we had to deal with was the constant 6 month deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Same. Saw the writing on the wall a few months before.
There's a podcast with his former boss too both released this week.
Per capita these trans/gender fluid folk are a terror on the civilised society that allowed them to be who they are/were.
Lots of innocent people murdered by these 'caring' and 'considerate' people who only want 'tolerance'.
Murdered 60 something people. Reminder that any sodomite is a danger to everyone in society.