47 The name of the main female protagonist(Naoe) in Assassin's creed shadow is a male name (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 24 days ago by Telia 24 days ago by Telia +51 / -4 7 comments download share 7 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Naoe is her given name and not surname so Ubisoft deliberately gave her a man's name. It would be like a main female character having the name "john"
Or Michael.
Not a good example, when Jeanne (French) sounds like John. But I do get what you were going for.
Nikita is also an exclusively boys' name. Didn't stop Luc Besson and two different tv shows from giving it to a female assassin.
(Yes, Elton John knew that.)
First tranny in medieval Japan. Another barrier broken
Might be a case of it shifting toward feminine in the ensuing centuries a la 'Ashleigh' -> 'Ashley' or similar.
It would still be wrong because the game is supposed to be set in 1580s or so which according to Google was definitely a male name back then