Here's a video on it but heard it on SideScrollers with the other note that 31st of March is their financial report deadline so seems like they KNOW this is going to bomb and are trying to delay the explosion as long as possible.
Who's got 2025 as the year Ubisoft collapses or bought out as I heard the family owning it is the only reason Tencent don't have it yet.
"People still remember that our game is culturally offensive and egregiously racist, quick, push it back more! Eventually they'll forget... right?"
Seriously, I don't think I know of a game more racist, colonial, and culturally imperialist than AssCreedShadman.
There is a reason why even among the most devoted of the Woke, they don't always go full Black or Gay for the main character. Because you can hide that if its a side character, even a member of the main party (as Chinese Star Wars showed with black dude).
But if its your main playable character, then it has to be front and center on every piece of material you put out. Every single time you talk about the game, you have to reignite the controversy.
Stellaris. Crusader Kings 3. Mario Party 64.
Nah. CK3 is historically faithful, there's nothing racist about proper historic portrayal, even if only in vibes. You'd need to erase history, throw it to the wayside, to make something properly racist like AC.