It should concern you, being on the same side of an issue as that insane shill
Have you read what the guy who’s Phd thesis was ”Cosmological Consequences of Topological and Geometric Phenomena in Field Theories”, yet? Or are you still just yapping based on gut feeling?
Read what preeminent cosmologist Sean Carroll has to say then get back to me:
It’s clear that cosmologists have not done a very good job of spreading the word about something that’s been well-understood since at least the 1920’s: energy is not conserved in general relativity. (With caveats to be explained below.)
Why would I refute him? You have no understanding of what he says. You always post links and videos and never put explanations into your own words. Anyways, the Komar mass is conserved.
You couldn't be more wrong.
If you have an energy per volume and then increase that volume then your energy per volume should go down.
Why the fuck are you making me defend Gizortnik?
Shalom, my true plan is coming along nicely.
Here are your shekles, golem.
/s <--- (for when someone goes to ConPro and claims this as evidence)
It should concern you, being on the same side of an issue as that insane shill
Have you read what the guy who’s Phd thesis was ”Cosmological Consequences of Topological and Geometric Phenomena in Field Theories”, yet? Or are you still just yapping based on gut feeling?
I was making a joke, graph.
And it was funny in a vacuum, but my point still stands
Agreed. I feel dirty
Where does the energy to increase that volume come from you moron? You think that’s an action which can happen freely?
It doesn't take energy to maintain an expansion into nothingness.
Lmfao. You're always so confidently ignorant.
Read what preeminent cosmologist Sean Carroll has to say then get back to me:
Inb4 kikoTheYounger says Sean Carroll and all the other cosmologists are retarded and he knows better
Why would I refute him? You have no understanding of what he says. You always post links and videos and never put explanations into your own words. Anyways, the Komar mass is conserved.
Pure projection.