Read what preeminent cosmologist Sean Carroll has to say then get back to me:
It’s clear that cosmologists have not done a very good job of spreading the word about something that’s been well-understood since at least the 1920’s: energy is not conserved in general relativity. (With caveats to be explained below.)
Why would I refute him? You have no understanding of what he says. You always post links and videos and never put explanations into your own words. Anyways, the Komar mass is conserved.
Yet again, total refusal to discuss in good faith.
The reason energy isn’t conserved is because the universe isn’t a “closed” system, which is a requirement for the “law” to hold. The universe isn’t a closed system precisely because of the reason I’ve been saying all along, the expansion of the universe renders us with a time-variant system, which is by definition not a closed system. If you want the math behind all this at the most developed level (i.e. the version of the principle of conservation of energy developed for general relativity, look up Noether’s theorem).
How’s that for my own words? What’s your next weasel maneuver?
It doesn't take energy to maintain an expansion into nothingness.
Lmfao. You're always so confidently ignorant.
Read what preeminent cosmologist Sean Carroll has to say then get back to me:
Inb4 kikoTheYounger says Sean Carroll and all the other cosmologists are retarded and he knows better
Why would I refute him? You have no understanding of what he says. You always post links and videos and never put explanations into your own words. Anyways, the Komar mass is conserved.
Pure projection.
Yet again, total refusal to discuss in good faith.
The reason energy isn’t conserved is because the universe isn’t a “closed” system, which is a requirement for the “law” to hold. The universe isn’t a closed system precisely because of the reason I’ve been saying all along, the expansion of the universe renders us with a time-variant system, which is by definition not a closed system. If you want the math behind all this at the most developed level (i.e. the version of the principle of conservation of energy developed for general relativity, look up Noether’s theorem).
How’s that for my own words? What’s your next weasel maneuver?
Bullshit. The universe is by definition a closed system. Any theory that says otherwise is wrong. Nothing enters or leaves the universe.