Where did this dialectic/pilpul of America "winning" (or losing) come from anyway? Did Elon start it or just step into it?
For our nation to succeed, the individuals in our country need to be able to succeed and prosper. That's it. Yes we need a successful economy but life isn't a zero sum game we have to "win." Both Chinese and American companies can invest in AI or whatever boom the techbros are concerned about and we'll be fine.
Where did it come from? It’s literally just civic nationalism. The notion that America is an “idea nation”, wholly separate from and in no way responsible to its heritage or people, is the inevitable end point of civnat faggotry. Elevating “paper Americans” over native citizens, treating the country as a purely economic zone with no valid inherent culture of its. Of course rapacious, rootless elites like Musk view America purely in these opportunistic and self-serving terms. Of course Vivek adopts whatever arguments promote the interests of his co-ethnics and the culture of his own homeland. Civic nationalism is to nationalism as social justice is to justice - an inversion, a perversion, intended to destroy a people.
Not sure where it started, but I bet that's the attack vector for subversives. "You want to Make America Great Again? Then diversity is our strength we need immigration to win!
The more I think about it the scarier their narrative frame sounds. It's more an appeal to emotion than an argument from which policy can be based. When do we know we've won? When we win can we stop winning or do we have to win more? It sounds like progressivism. "We must progress forever. Progress to what? Who knows. We must progress. We must win. We must leave the deplorables and backwards thinkers behind and progress forward. We must leave the losers behind to win. We must be on the right side of history. We must be on the winning team."
Sargon is right. Liberalism inevitably leads to leftism.
When the population is 80% White European again and we're bullying other nations into doing what we want them to while also having prosperity for the lower and middle class populations within our society.
Where did this dialectic/pilpul of America "winning" (or losing) come from anyway? Did Elon start it or just step into it? For our nation to succeed, the individuals in our country need to be able to succeed and prosper. That's it. Yes we need a successful economy but life isn't a zero sum game we have to "win." Both Chinese and American companies can invest in AI or whatever boom the techbros are concerned about and we'll be fine.
Where did it come from? It’s literally just civic nationalism. The notion that America is an “idea nation”, wholly separate from and in no way responsible to its heritage or people, is the inevitable end point of civnat faggotry. Elevating “paper Americans” over native citizens, treating the country as a purely economic zone with no valid inherent culture of its. Of course rapacious, rootless elites like Musk view America purely in these opportunistic and self-serving terms. Of course Vivek adopts whatever arguments promote the interests of his co-ethnics and the culture of his own homeland. Civic nationalism is to nationalism as social justice is to justice - an inversion, a perversion, intended to destroy a people.
Not sure where it started, but I bet that's the attack vector for subversives. "You want to Make America Great Again? Then
diversity is our strengthwe need immigration to win!The more I think about it the scarier their narrative frame sounds. It's more an appeal to emotion than an argument from which policy can be based. When do we know we've won? When we win can we stop winning or do we have to win more? It sounds like progressivism. "We must progress forever. Progress to what? Who knows. We must progress. We must win. We must leave the deplorables and backwards thinkers behind and progress forward. We must leave the losers behind to win. We must be on the right side of history. We must be on the winning team."
Sargon is right. Liberalism inevitably leads to leftism.
When the population is 80% White European again and we're bullying other nations into doing what we want them to while also having prosperity for the lower and middle class populations within our society.
80? Those are rookie numbers. Gotta pump those numbers up!
Yep. Just disguised Leftist talking points. Pigs with MAGA lipstick put on 'em.
It comes from the middle class trying to play as Bismark under "The Great Game" of geopolitics.