Literally none of that is a true description of Fascism.
Fascism explicitly bans a militarized citizenry. Only the politically favored members of the party enforcers are allowed to have weapons in order to ensure that rebellion doesn't occur.
Fascism explicitly doesn't eliminate governing bodies. It requires that anyone in government be a member of the party, and the party governs all politics internally, but legislatures and judiciaries still exist, but only with party members that are towing the party line.
Fascism explicitly does not call for a master race. Fascism, assuming we take it out of it's primarily Italian context, is a Civic Nationalist construct. In Italy, this was the idea that regardless of ethnicity, anyone within the Italian Fascist state was Italian, this includes jews, and about 45,000 of them were directly members of Italy's Fascist Party.
The concept of a "master race" really only existed under German National Socialism. And even that was a reference to the Aryan race, which didn't really exist anymore under the understanding of Aryanism, where Aryans are a hyperborean race that founded Atlantis, this is why they were a "master" race. It would be better to frame the Aryans as a "Precursor" or "Forerunner" race. The reason they're called "master" is based on the misapplication of Nietzsche's description of a Master Morality, and claiming that the Aryan precursor race would have required a Master Morality. Hence, a Master Race. The point is, you don't really see it in Italian Fascism, Spanish Falangism, the Portuguese Estado Novo, or Japanese Militarism. It's a very particular German concept. You do see something like it in Black National Socialism (because W.E.B. DuBois was a race communist that tried to appropriate the Volkish movement for his own purposes). This is why you see so many Black National Socialists espousing retarded "Wakanda" and "Yakub" nonsense.
Even with all that being said, German National Socialism pushes mostly for deportations of non-Germanic races within a National Socialist state (excluding Jewish Germans who are part of a bourgeoise race that need to be exterminated wholly, and Gypsies who won't go anywhere and won't "synchronize" with the German nation). Where this becomes extermination (of non-Jews and non-Gypsies) is when Germany's Socialist economy fucks up food production, gives itself a famine, and then choses to intentionally starve occupied territories rather than let any Germans go hungry; including among Greeks, Poles, and Slavs who are considered inferior races anyway.
Literally none of that is a true description of Fascism.
Fascism explicitly bans a militarized citizenry. Only the politically favored members of the party enforcers are allowed to have weapons in order to ensure that rebellion doesn't occur.
Fascism explicitly doesn't eliminate governing bodies. It requires that anyone in government be a member of the party, and the party governs all politics internally, but legislatures and judiciaries still exist, but only with party members that are towing the party line.
Fascism explicitly does not call for a master race. Fascism, assuming we take it out of it's primarily Italian context, is a Civic Nationalist construct. In Italy, this was the idea that regardless of ethnicity, anyone within the Italian Fascist state was Italian, this includes jews, and about 45,000 of them were directly members of Italy's Fascist Party.
The concept of a "master race" really only existed under German National Socialism. And even that was a reference to the Aryan race, which didn't really exist anymore under the understanding of Aryanism, where Aryans are a hyperborean race that founded Atlantis, this is why they were a "master" race. It would be better to frame the Aryans as a "Precursor" or "Forerunner" race. The reason they're called "master" is based on the misapplication of Nietzsche's description of a Master Morality, and claiming that the Aryan precursor race would have required a Master Morality. Hence, a Master Race. The point is, you don't really see it in Italian Fascism, Spanish Falangism, the Portuguese Estado Novo, or Japanese Militarism. It's a very particular German concept. You do see something like it in Black National Socialism (because W.E.B. DuBois was a race communist that tried to appropriate the Volkish movement for his own purposes). This is why you see so many Black National Socialists espousing retarded "Wakanda" and "Yakub" nonsense.
Even with all that being said, German National Socialism pushes mostly for deportations of non-Germanic races within a National Socialist state (excluding Jewish Germans who are part of a bourgeoise race that need to be exterminated wholly, and Gypsies who won't go anywhere and won't "synchronize" with the German nation). Where this becomes extermination (of non-Jews and non-Gypsies) is when Germany's Socialist economy fucks up food production, gives itself a famine, and then choses to intentionally starve occupied territories rather than let any Germans go hungry; including among Greeks, Poles, and Slavs who are considered inferior races anyway.
Interesting writeup. It's always been weird to me that fascism is associated with nazis and not with the italians who invented it.
Something I learned recently: the chair the Lincoln sits on in his memorial monument is made of
lincoln needs to be demolished and replaced with a standing statue. you ain't zeus, bitch. stand up.