Government has become so large that government employees now represent one of the largest voting blocs in the country. So we have tens of millions of people voting on government spending while drawing salaries and benefits from government work. It’s retarded.
People in my blue city who aren't even in government love to vote for spending. Any spending. Any spending you can possibly imagine. All except for one kind of spending: Funding audits. Those always get shot down because voters are programmed to believe they're unnecessary or a poor use of money.
It's worth noting that, of the increase in the money supply perpetuated on us by the government/Fed, I don't think most of it is "spending" as we know it. Most of that money they just created and gave directly to banks to loan. Deficit spending is inflationary, but it's not the only way to inflate.
With fiat money, it's all games. However, in theory the government gets something for spending. It comes from the same labor pool, driving up costs for the private sector, but they get some government thing for it. The other money the Fed creates goes into the private sector. Again, you can't create more labor with money, but you can create demand for labor that attracts immigrants.
Government has become so large that government employees now represent one of the largest voting blocs in the country. So we have tens of millions of people voting on government spending while drawing salaries and benefits from government work. It’s retarded.
People who draw a .gov paycheck shouldn't be allowed to vote.
People in my blue city who aren't even in government love to vote for spending. Any spending. Any spending you can possibly imagine. All except for one kind of spending: Funding audits. Those always get shot down because voters are programmed to believe they're unnecessary or a poor use of money.
It's worth noting that, of the increase in the money supply perpetuated on us by the government/Fed, I don't think most of it is "spending" as we know it. Most of that money they just created and gave directly to banks to loan. Deficit spending is inflationary, but it's not the only way to inflate.
With fiat money, it's all games. However, in theory the government gets something for spending. It comes from the same labor pool, driving up costs for the private sector, but they get some government thing for it. The other money the Fed creates goes into the private sector. Again, you can't create more labor with money, but you can create demand for labor that attracts immigrants.
Or I do I have that wrong?