The dude is a botted fuck show in general. Even the followers who will comment and debate are the epitome of mouth breathers. On a very realistic note, if we compared Jews to Jews, ashkenazi Jews not only replaced their WW2 numbers but managed to be 80% of global Jews since WW2 and 90% of American Jews. Yay diversity!
On a very realistic note, if we compared Jews to Jews, ashkenazi Jews not only replaced their WW2 numbers but managed to be 80% of global Jews since WW2 and 90% of American Jews.
And by the logic of many online gaza strip arguments, this then means there was no genocide. If they increase their numbers, then how can a genocide have been attempted.
The dude is a botted fuck show in general. Even the followers who will comment and debate are the epitome of mouth breathers. On a very realistic note, if we compared Jews to Jews, ashkenazi Jews not only replaced their WW2 numbers but managed to be 80% of global Jews since WW2 and 90% of American Jews. Yay diversity!
AKA oxygen thieves.
Jews won World War 2, change my mind.
I mean, duh
And by the logic of many online gaza strip arguments, this then means there was no genocide. If they increase their numbers, then how can a genocide have been attempted.
maybe because the jews have been full of shit and use victim hood to their advantage which works on bleeding heart idiot goyims
What were they before?