107 Paul Feig is blaming Trump and Trump supporters for his failed 2016 Ghostbusters film. (archive.ph) posted 4 months ago by Mpetey123 4 months ago by Mpetey123 +108 / -1 57 comments share 57 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I've always found Kate McKinnon attractive.
She was comparatively attractive because SNL wouldn’t let a conventionally attractive woman on the cast.
After a few drinks maybe Her tomboy character was semi likeable but Melissa Mcarthy and the Black chick were bad characters and horrible picks all around
She is attractive enough, but I think in that movie they made sure to give her lesbian sexually aggressive energy to offset it.
Like, an attractive woman licking a gun should be hot. But instead its just uncomfortable and wierd in that movie.
But not in Ghostbusters.
Her Verizon ads made me want to claw my eyes out.