These traitors know that they only have three months to drag us into their war, so of course they are doing everything in their power to do it. I hope Putin has more patience than I do, for Kiev's sake.
Frankly I don't see much point in digging into this because I could just wait 30 minutes and know conclusively whether or not we're having the big one this year.
That said, you don't use a nuke to blow up an ammo depot, you use a nuke to blow up the city containing the ammo depot, the roads, the factories, and everything else in the general area.
And when you do blow up a single ammo depot with a conventional weapon (or a bunch of jackasses really fuck up), you could easily create a mushroom cloud. It's not a property of nukes specifically, it's just what happens when you have a big enough blast.
So it's probably just some easily-spooked people who don't know any better spreading rumors.
Yup. Nonnuclear, but could still be a big deal depending on how Russia responds. Although I think it's more likely they'll play it smart and just blame Ukraine, and not Western backers and collaborators. They might do some finger wagging, but I doubt they'll go all in about their redline being crossed...this time.
Not that Trump will magically fix everything but...dang, I want Trump back in office. I'd definitely feel more optimistic abut this whole thing, if nothing else. Everyone's being so fucking retarded right now.
It is being widely reported by other legacy news too.
Current reporting is Ukrainian drones. I haven't followed if their drones need NATO targeting or activation, but it's possible and, either way, NATO is of course deeply involved in the war, and has been more open to strikes within Russia.
So I'd call this partially to mostly true at the moment. The real question is, how will Russia react? Because it's all optics. Basically, Russia gets to decide if it was Ukraine or NATO who attacked them, because they're the ones who are retaliating. Unless NATO is retarded enough to brag about this, and I don't think they will be, Russia can blame Ukraine alone if they want to keep things low(ish) key.
A nuclear explosion produces a blinding white flash before the mushroom cloud goes up. All of these explosions are conventional weapons. And yes, if conventional weapons are powerful they produce a mushroom cloud.
I don't know about the veracity of tactical nuke, but even though it has been reported as a drone attack, many question that premise. Speculation is that it was a missile of some sort, and highly likely NATO supplied.
Regardless, people keep questioning whether current trajectory will lead to WW III when the reality is that it has already started for some time (by design) and Russia will undoubtedly bring the conflict to U.S. territory if even indirect American assistance leads to damage within Russia; the degrees of separation are not really relevant to their nationality existential interests if long-range missiles are supplied, as repeatedly stated throughout the war and emphasized in the last few weeks.
Hey FartFag5000, it'd be real cool if you could not deliberately post lies in the name of "starting a conversation"
Urge to rule 2 is becoming almost uncontrollable.
These traitors know that they only have three months to drag us into their war, so of course they are doing everything in their power to do it. I hope Putin has more patience than I do, for Kiev's sake.
Frankly I don't see much point in digging into this because I could just wait 30 minutes and know conclusively whether or not we're having the big one this year.
That said, you don't use a nuke to blow up an ammo depot, you use a nuke to blow up the city containing the ammo depot, the roads, the factories, and everything else in the general area.
And when you do blow up a single ammo depot with a conventional weapon (or a bunch of jackasses really fuck up), you could easily create a mushroom cloud. It's not a property of nukes specifically, it's just what happens when you have a big enough blast.
So it's probably just some easily-spooked people who don't know any better spreading rumors.
Yup. Nonnuclear, but could still be a big deal depending on how Russia responds. Although I think it's more likely they'll play it smart and just blame Ukraine, and not Western backers and collaborators. They might do some finger wagging, but I doubt they'll go all in about their redline being crossed...this time.
Not that Trump will magically fix everything but...dang, I want Trump back in office. I'd definitely feel more optimistic abut this whole thing, if nothing else. Everyone's being so fucking retarded right now.
I like how Trump is widely considered a Russian puppet because he doesn’t want to start a nuclear war.
It is being widely reported by other legacy news too.
Current reporting is Ukrainian drones. I haven't followed if their drones need NATO targeting or activation, but it's possible and, either way, NATO is of course deeply involved in the war, and has been more open to strikes within Russia.
So I'd call this partially to mostly true at the moment. The real question is, how will Russia react? Because it's all optics. Basically, Russia gets to decide if it was Ukraine or NATO who attacked them, because they're the ones who are retaliating. Unless NATO is retarded enough to brag about this, and I don't think they will be, Russia can blame Ukraine alone if they want to keep things low(ish) key.
I haven't seen anywhere else suggesting nuclear material though, which is a big factor in how Russia would be likely to respond.
Yup. I'm seeing reports of tactical missiles, artillery, and bombs, as what was being housed. And Ukraine used drones.
EDIT: Clarity, realized it was vague before.
Fuck off with this schizo trash site.
A nuclear explosion produces a blinding white flash before the mushroom cloud goes up. All of these explosions are conventional weapons. And yes, if conventional weapons are powerful they produce a mushroom cloud.
Two videos from different angles of the attack.The first one looks like fireworks. /watch?v=UtV9RPsVoTA /watch?v=1x77-GZoXto
I don't know about the veracity of tactical nuke, but even though it has been reported as a drone attack, many question that premise. Speculation is that it was a missile of some sort, and highly likely NATO supplied.
Regardless, people keep questioning whether current trajectory will lead to WW III when the reality is that it has already started for some time (by design) and Russia will undoubtedly bring the conflict to U.S. territory if even indirect American assistance leads to damage within Russia; the degrees of separation are not really relevant to their nationality existential interests if long-range missiles are supplied, as repeatedly stated throughout the war and emphasized in the last few weeks.