The fact that what happened is nearly exactly like the manifesto, pushed by people who no doubt would support such a thing and society has a clear malice towards boys is just a coincidence, now let me tell you about some random from the 1930s because I somehow found a way to link Jews to this to defend my female masters.
He was also implicated in several child brothels during the Weimar period. It's why the German people were so insistent on eradicating every last scrap of his work.
The guy who invented neovaginas is a minor figure, but the dumb bitch who wrote a book is the mastermind behind it all. The Jewish mind sure is fascinating.
Get fucked.
Remember that feminists pushed this is the first place, to create a class of subservient slaves.
Magnus Hirschfeld wasn't a feminist.
Probably was actually. In some form or another. They are very involved in these things.
Tell it to the fucking NYT.
Seriously, tell them.
He was also implicated in several child brothels during the Weimar period. It's why the German people were so insistent on eradicating every last scrap of his work.
The guy who invented neovaginas is a minor figure, but the dumb bitch who wrote a book is the mastermind behind it all. The Jewish mind sure is fascinating.
So much reaching, so little time.