Uhh that's the complete opposite message of the movie. He felt guilty for not doing a kamikaze during the war and at the end used the ejector seat without guilt because living is the right choice
They have lots of time warring against each other. Really, the anomaly is in how much Europeans have set aside their own historical intracontinental animosity.
Uhh that's the complete opposite message of the movie. He felt guilty for not doing a kamikaze during the war and at the end used the ejector seat without guilt because living is the right choice
South Koreans just hate japan and want to cancel anything they do that's global
I know that animosity exist but it's such an easy claim to refute
Isn't it basically "the animosity between AsianCountry1 and AsianCountry2 generally is real"?
I’ve always wondered how people that look so similar to eachother and yet are massively and historically racist towards eachother
Lots of history together.
They have lots of time warring against each other. Really, the anomaly is in how much Europeans have set aside their own historical intracontinental animosity.
The more similar people are, the more obvious the tiny differences appear.
Idk, why does the North and South of the USA hate each other? C'mon bro don't be naive.
This is the real takeaway, but also very much the status quo for generations.