It's fuckin' REAL, maaaan. A mega-billion dollar entertainment company used this line in their capstone movie of their trilogy that they spent four billion dollars buying the IP for, in order to explain how the villain from the previous trilogy was still around. This is essentially the only explanation it ever gets.
star wars is a massive success tho...
By that logic, mcdonalds is top-class cuisine.
Starting to get priced like it…
"Number one doesn't mean best. It just means most profitable."
Leonardo, 2003 TMNT
Can you name one memorable quote from the sequels that has the same memetic power as ANY of the following:
Just checking Know Your Meme shows almost no Sequel memes. How can it be successful if no one remembers it?
This one has some staying power, but it's mostly for how bad it is, not impressive or useful outside of mockery of a contrived circumstance.
They fly now? They fly now.
Is that even said in the movies though?
It's fuckin' REAL, maaaan. A mega-billion dollar entertainment company used this line in their capstone movie of their trilogy that they spent four billion dollars buying the IP for, in order to explain how the villain from the previous trilogy was still around. This is essentially the only explanation it ever gets.
It doesn't have staying power, but it's a declaration of intent they had for the series that they put into the series of movies explicitly.
"They Fly Now?" .... "They Fly Now"